Aleksandra's Note: With all the focus on monuments and statues in America recently forced upon us by people with a political agenda, none of us should be surprised that monuments dedicated to General Draza Mihailovich have become a target. It was inevitable.
We cannot be apathetic or take anything for granted. "Initiatives" to "remove" the General Mihailovich Monument at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Libertyville, IL and other locations such as New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Third Lake, IL and at St. Sava Cathedral in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and undoubtedly others, should be taken seriously by both Serbian patriots AND Americans, and any others among us who recognize and understand just how ironic these initiatives are, considering who General Mihailovich and his Chetniks really were and what they did for the Americans and Allies in World War II in the war AGAINST the Nazis and Fascists.
So much false history and outright lies have been institutionalized by the Yugoslav Communists and those who shared their agenda for the former Yugoslavia. Once false history and lies are institutionalized, it becomes a monumental battle to reverse the damage and break through to the light of Truth.
Fortunately, more material has been issued in the ENGLISH language, which is of critical importance, that testifies to the true nature and actions of General Draza Mihailovich, his Chetniks, and the Serbian people loyal to them. We have a long way to go, but we will get there. This is not "revisionist history" I'm talking about. This is correcting the historical record to reflect the Truth.
Following his execution by the Yugoslav Communists in Belgrade on July 17, 1946, his mortal remains have to this date never been found. These monuments to his legacy that have been erected here in the United States of America are one way of ensuring that the legacy of General Mihailovich will never die - that no group, person, initiative, or movement will prevail in destroying either that legacy or the monuments that represent it. They will continue to stand as a reminder of the great and noble things great men are capable of in the worst possible circumstances.
Learn from these monuments, these reminders and reflections of our history. Cherish them.
Aleksandra Rebic
August 27, 2017

If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com