Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Honoring the Halyard Mission Legacy / Two Picture Books by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic of the Tesla Memorial Society of New York

Aleksandra's Note: There are those among us who live a legacy. Dr. Ljubo Vujovic of the Tesla Memorial Society of New York is one such gentleman. Along with his dedication to teaching others about the role the great Serbian genius Nikola Tesla has played in so many essential areas of our lives, he has also dedicated his life to promoting the legacy of the WWII Halyard Mission Rescue Operation.

He has recently published two special picture books dedicated to Halyard that are now available to the public - "Operation Halyard" and "Operation Halyard Photo Collection" Lots of photographs highlight the text describing the many different aspects of this highly classified rescue operation that resulted in over 500 American Airmen and a number of other Allied Airmen being rescued by the Chetnik forces of General Draza Mihailovich, Supreme Commander of the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland. These Americans and other Allies were taken care of, kept safe from the German enemy, and ultimately returned back home without a single loss of life.

The two books are full of valuable information and will provide great insight into an episode in 20th Century history that every American should be made aware of. There has been a severe lack of education in the United States about this epic WWII chapter and Dr. Vujovic's contributions go a long way towards rectifying that injustice.

The Americans and other Allied Airmen were sent to bomb the Ploesti oil fields in Romania in 1944, a primary source of fuel for Hitler's war machine. The airmen were subjected to horrific German anti-aircraft fire. Planes were shot down over Nazi-occupied territory in Yugoslavia and a number of airmen didn't make it. Those who did were very fortunate to have ended up on territory under the command of General Draza Mihailovich. General Mihailovich and his Chetnik forces by that time had already been abandoned and betrayed by the Allies, their support having moved entirely to Marshal Tito and the Yugoslav Partisans, the communists. Despite that, General Mihailovich and his Chetnik forces, and the Serbian people loyal to them, would remain people of honor - they would do the right thing, regardless of the sacrifices they had to make and the ever-present danger to their homes and their very lives.

It was common understanding that any "enemy" military personnel finding themselves in Nazi-occupied territory must immediately seek the closest German unit and surrender to it. If they did not, they would be considered "spies" and if captured, they would be executed. Also, it's my understanding that the Germans were offering 5,000 marks for every Allied military personnel delivered to them.

The fallen American Airmen who had survived the air assault of the Germans remained on Serbian territory for extended periods of time without surrendering to the Germans. It was not only a huge risk they took, but it also risked the lives of their rescuers. The Nazis were brutal and ruthless with their reprisals, especially against the civilian population.

While the Americans and other Allies were recovering from their wounds and being taken care of by the Mihailovich Serbs, preparations were being made thanks to the Halyard team commanded by Lieutenant George Musulin, Master Sergeant Michael Rajacich, and Radio Operator Arthur Jibilian.

A provisional airfield was literally constructed specifically for the rescue operation in the village of Pranjani in the Gornji Milanovac municipality in western Serbia. It was at this airfield that the C-47 cargo planes had to descend, load, and lift off quickly so as to be able to safely evacuate their human cargo without falling prey to the sizable German garrison only about 25 miles from the air strip. The Germans had tanks and "Stuka" fighter planes. General Mihailovich had thousands of his men form a defense line around the airfield and in the sky above were the American Red Tail fighter units, manned by the Tuskegee Airmen that would provide protective air cover for the C-47's.

It was a very risky operation. All of the Americans and others could have been lost, but not a single one became a casualty during the evacuations. Not a single one. They all returned home safely. Many had families after the war and today there are many who walk among us who owe their lives to the Serbian General in the far off land who at great risk to himself and his people and without asking for any compensation for his services, did the right thing.

Though there was no reward and the Halyard operation remained classified for many years, and still remains shrouded in secrecy, people like Dr. Ljubo Vujovic have taken it upon themselves to rectify this injustice by investing their time, energy, and resources to bringing light to this epic episode in  20th century history. These two Halyard Mission tribute books should find their way into every Serbian home and into the homes of Americans who remain ignorant of what was done for their fellow Americans by strangers in a foreign land who risked everything.

If you are interested in these two picture books ("Operation Halyard" and "Operation Halyard Photo Collection"), please contact Dr. Ljubo Vujovic at teslasociety@aol.com.

Aleksandra Rebic
September 2017

If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

Sunday, September 17, 2017

SPECIAL SERBIAN EVENTS WEEKEND September 22-23, 2017! / Chetnik Family Reunion and Lifeline Humanitarian Organization Second Annual Charity Golf Outing! / Northwest Indiana

Lifeline Humanitarian Organization

2nd Annual Charity Golf Event

Friday September 22, 2017

River Pointe Country Club

6700 Country Club Rd

Hobart, IN 46342

Join Lifeline Humanitarian Organization on Friday, September 22, 2017 for a day of golf and charity in northwest Indiana. The 2nd Annual Charity Golf Event will be held at the River Pointe Country Club and will feature:

Scramble Format

Putting Contest

Longest Drive (Men and Women)

Closest to the Pin Contest

1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes

Lunch served prior to 1pm shotgun start

Post golf activities at the St Sava Pavillion include:

6pm Dinner and Cash Bar

Live entertainment at dinner

Call or email for more information:

Rade Savich (317)225-0106


To register for a day of golf, dinner only or to purchase sponsorships, please click REGISTER FOR GOLF.

We hope to see you there!



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

Скот у Прањанима: Прави јунаци су Срби који су спасавали пилоте / "PTC" [Tanjug] Sept. 16, 2017

September 16, 2017

Скот у Прањанима: Прави јунаци су Срби који су спасавали пилоте

У Прањанима је обележена годишњица мисије Халијард током које је у Другом светском рату спасено више од 500 америчких ваздухопловаца.

Венце на Галовића пољу положили су амерички амбасадор у Србији Кајл Скот, представници министарства одбране, представници Фондације Халијард као и председник општине Горњи Милановац Дејан Ковачевић.

Кајл Скот (архивска фотографија)

Амерички амбасадор у Србији Кајл Скот посебно је захвалио Фондацији Халијард на ономе што раде сваке године, као и председнику општине Горњи Милановац.

"Стојим иза споменика, а иза мене је поље, тако изгледа, али није обично, то је поље јунака и јунаштва. Авијатичари који су се борили заједно против фашиста били су из Енглеске, Америке, Пољске, Чешке, Француске, Русије и веома ми је драго да су и аташеи из неких од ових земаља данас овде са нама, јер су они били прави хероји. Половина од њих се није вратила, а 500 који су били погођени успели су да скоче на познату територију Србије, где су били срећни", рекао је амбасадор Скот.

Додао је да је и ћерка америчког војника српског порекла Џорџа Војиновића, који је и осмислио мисију Халијард, Ксенија Вилкинсон, присутна данас.

Према његовим речима, јунаци су били и они који су организовали спасавања 500 људи, јер је то било веома опасно.

"Прави јунаци су Срби који су спасавали пилоте, обични сељаци који су их чували, лечили и давали задње мрвице свог хлеба да би хранили ове непознате људе, чак иако су њихова деца била гладна. Који су испред носа Немцима чистили терен како би ту била писта за авионе. Знајући да ће, када се спасавање заврши и авиони оду, њихов живот и даље бити у опасности. То су за мене прави јунаци", поручио је амбасадор.

Председник општине Горњи Милановац Дејан Ковачевић захвалио је присутнима и испричао колико је Мисија Халијард значила тада Југословенској војсци и војсци САД.

"Мисија Халијард је једна од највећих таквих мисија изведених у Другом светском рату и она само показује способност тадашње наше војске да се ухвати у коштац са знатно бројнијим непријатељем и са својим савезницима у њој успе", рекао је Ковачевић.

Додао је да као и тада и сада је српска војска спремна да се носи са новим изазовима.

"То смо показали и пре неколико дана са пријатељском армијом САД у заједничкој вежби под називом 'Сајбер Тесла 2017'. Поред тога што смо показали да можемо равноправно да учествујемо у освајању нових технологија, такође смо још једном показали наше пријатељство са САД", указао је Ковачевић.

Представник фондације Мисије Халијард Џон Капело рекао је да овде нису дошли само да би прославили годишњицу, већ и да би одали признање појединцима који су учествовали у мисији спашавања.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Kajl Skot u Pranjanima: Pravi junaci su Srbi koji su spasavali pilote / "Tanjug" Sept. 16, 2017

September 16, 2017

Kajl Skot u Pranjanima: Pravi junaci su Srbi koji su spasavali pilote

U Pranjanima je danas obeležena godišnjica misije Halijard tokom koje je u Drugom svetskom ratu spaseno više od 500 američkih vazduhoplovaca.

GORNJI MILANOVAC, PRANJANI - U Pranjanima je danas obeležena godišnjica misije Halijard tokom koje je u Drugom svetskom ratu spaseno više od 500 američkih vazduhoplovaca.

Vence na Galovića polju položili su američki ambasador u Srbiji Kajl Skot, predstavnici ministarstva odbrane, predstavnici Fondacije Halijard kao i predsednik opštine Gornji Milanovac Dejan Kovačević.

Kompletan sadržaj vesti dostupan je korisnicima Tanjugovih servisa

If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

Friday, September 15, 2017

The HALYARD MISSION Foundation presents the 2017 Commemoration on September 16 in Serbia!

Halyard Mission
Commemoration Schedule of Events
Saturday September 16, 2017
Courtesy of the Halyard Mission Foundation

Point 1. Galovica Field

(SRB MoD/SAF, US Embassy/USAFE, Halyard Mission Foundation, GM Mayor/Municipality, Pranjani community)

1100 - 1110 USAFE band performs national anthems

1110-40 Wreath laying (Embassy Representatives, SRB MoD Representatives, Halyard Mission Foundation Representatives, GM municipality)

1140 - 1200 Photo session, media

Point 2. Church 

(SRB MoD/SAF, US Embassy/USAFE, Halyard Mission Foundation, GM Mayor/Municipality, Pranjani community)

1215 - 1240 Church service for Halyard Mission participants and wooden church tour

Point 3. School - Proclamations Ceremony

(SRB MoD/SAF, US Embassy/USAFE, Halyard Mission Foundation, UK Embassy, GM Municipality, Pranjani community)

1245 - 1320 Presentation of proclamations to families who assisted airmen

-Ambassador and Gen. Agustin present

-Welcome cocktail and interaction with the
  community at the sports hall

-USAFE band performs music from 1930s and

Comment: USAFE band shall stay longer at the school, skip point 4 and proceed to point 5.

Point 4. Health Care Centre John Kingsbury

(SRB MoD/SAF, Halyard Mission Foundation,  US Embassy/USAFE, UK Embassy, GM Municipality delegation)

1330 - 1345 Tour of medical center 

Point 5.  Leusici/Jevtovic ranch tour and lunch

(SRB MoD/SAF delegation head, US Embassy/USAFE, Halyard Mission Foundation, GM mayor)
1400 - 1410 Visit Jevtovica ranch

            - Charles Davis (15th Air Force veteran)
              Jevtovic family story

1415 - 1600 Lunch

If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

ANNOUNCING NEW DOCUMENTARY FILM - "GENERAL DRAŽA MIHAILOVIĆ" - The untold epic drama of a WWII Hero, with testimonies from the participants, and the comments of American experts, along with film clips from sites of crucial events, and yet unseen archival footage!

Dragoljub Draža Mihailović was born in Ivanjica, in western Serbia, on April 27th, 1893. Of all the buildings from that era, in modern day Ivanjica only one still exists – the church in which Draža was baptized.

Our research starts at this church.

After the death of his parents, Draža and his sisters were adopted by their uncle in Belgrade.

In Belgrade, Draža completed grammar school with excellent grades. It was the Third Male Grammar School in the center of the capital city. That building still exists today.

Draža graduated from Military Academy with excellent grades. He was a decorated war hero from the First and the Second Balkan Wars, and the First World War.

He also graduated from the Military Academy  College and became a professor of Strategy and tactics at the Military Academy in Belgrade.

Draža specialised in diplomacy and intelligence whilst in France. On the eve of the Second World War he was the leading expert on guerrilla warfare in the Yugoslav Army. At that time, guerrilla warfare was considered localized and limited, and guerrilla formations were only company sized. But according to Draža’s theory, guerrilla formations could be large and are engaged in total war. He was soon to put this theory into practice.

On April 6th, 1941, the Axis powers attacked the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and all resistance was crushed after 12 days. Mihailović, then a Colonel, started rebuilding an Army. In the summer 1941 he had 100 Chetnik units which were engaged in fighting the Germans.

The Yugoslav government, which was exiled in London, as all governments of occupied countries were, promoted Mihailović to the rank of General and made him Minister of Defence as he managed to create the largest guerrilla force in Europe.

In December 1941 the Germans put a price on Mihailović’s head for the first time, and free French radio broadcast the first news about his achievements. That news was then transmitted by other Western media, and a world wide media campaign started.

Press all over the free world began writing about him; he was depicted in comics and even became the hero of a Hollywood movie (“Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas”, 1943)

Allied liaison officers were present in Draža's HQ throughout almost the entire war.

After  Germany attacked the USSR on June 22nd, 1941, Yugoslav Communists created their own armed formations called the Partisans. The Communist party of Yugoslavia was outlawed in 1921, for terrorism, when they failed in their attempt to conduct a revolution with Soviet backing.

However, the Communists used the chaos of war to try and storm to power. So, Mihailović was forced to fight a civil war as well as to fight against the Axis powers. The Communists were led by Josip Broz Tito.

The Communist International (the Comintern), based in Moscow, began its anti-Mihailović campaign in August 1942 in the Communist party of Sweden's Gazzette. That campaign echoed in Comintern medias around the world. As the Red Army gained momentum on the Eastern front, the campaign spread into other medias, including the BBC. The greatest media twist in WWII was around the corner.

The media twist was followed by the political about-face. In so far insufficiently explained circumstances, the Western allies abandoned Mihailović and transferred their support to the Yugoslav Communists.

In the film, that topic is covered by: Professor Dr. Kirk Ford, America's greatest authority on the Balkans in World War II; Gregory Freeman, author of the book “The Forgotten 500“; and former Green Beret officer; and Dr. Miloš Kostić, who was a Chetnik courier during the war.

People who knew Draža, like Dr. Dušan Đukić, son of General Đukić and Captain Uroš Šušterič from Ljubljana, who was in Serbia during the war talk about Mihailović as a person.

Aleksandar Ajzenberg, a a Jewish survivor, testifies how Mihailović saved Jews from the Nazis.

The film “General Draža Mihailović“ shows clips from dozens of sites where crucial events took place.

The sites were filmed during different seasons.

All footage is in HD resolution.

The film “General Draža Mihailović“  is the first Serbian movie showing digitised archive footage from previous wars in Full HD resolution.

American OSS (later: CIA) tried to change the course of the events, i.e. to stop the Sovietisation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. So they sent Colonel Dr. Robert McDowell into Mihailović's HQ.

In the autumn of 1944, General Mihailović and Colonel McDowell were having a hard time. Dramatic change was captured by the cameras. In the photo taken in September, they are optimists. In the photo taken in October, they are disappointed.

This is the first movie that throws some light on how General Mihailović was captured in March 1946.

Also, the film demystifies the trial of General Mihailović in summer of that year. The original transcripts, which are still not easily accessible to researchers, as well as audio and video recordings from the trial, are used in the film.

Witnesses who never before spoke about this reveal the secret: How and where was General Mihailović murdered?

The film will show the murder scene, for the first time in public.

The film also shows where General Mihailović is buried.



About the movie:


Donate now:


For Questions or Comments, please contact:



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

4TH ANNUAL CHETNIK FAMILY REUNION / PICNIC / Saturday September 23, 2017 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Merrillville, Indiana!

If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Sunday, September 10, 2017

PETITION by "Bosnian Americans" / "REMOVAL OF THE MONUMENT TO “ČETNIK” DRAŽA MIHAJLOVIĆ [Mihailovich] IN CHICAGO" / "Change.org" August 2017

Aleksandra's Note: The noble Mihailovich monument that is the subject of this petition on www.change.org by the "Bosnian Americans" group on Facebook was dedicated in Libertyville, IL in 1975. I am posting the text of the petition exactly as presented by the "Bosnian Americans".

The only comments I will make here regarding the tremendous irony of this "initiative" are the following:

The "Bosnian Americans" need to educate themselves about the Bosnian Muslims who willingly joined Hitler's Nazi Waffen SS division in the former Yugoslavia during WWII under the name of "HANDZAR". They not only "worked" hand in hand WITH the German Nazis, but with the Croatian Ustashe, even more notorious for their crimes against humanity than the Nazis were in Yugoslavia.

Also, the "Bosnian Americans" need to educate themselves about the Bosnian Muslims who willingly joined the Mihailovich Chetnik forces to fight AGAINST the Nazis during WWII in the former Yugoslavia.

These two factors make the "Bosnian American" initiative to have the Mihailovich monument "removed" from the grounds of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Libertyville, IL (as well as other locations in the U.S.) for the reasons that they give to do so, laughable at best and supremely hypocritical at worst. Such is the nature of Irony in this day and age.

Still, initiatives such as this need to be taken seriously, because nothing can be taken for granted, and nothing, as has been proven in this day and age, is sacred.

Aleksandra Rebic
September 2017



General Draza Mihailovich Monument in Chetnik Heroes Memorial Park at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Libertyville, IL on Orthodox Easter, May 1, 2016.
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic.

On behalf of the Bosnian Americans FB group (its 6000 members), Bosnian Organisations in the U.S.A. (signatories below), supporters of this petition, us as American citizens, we are reaching out to you seeking support, guidance, help, and action in removal of the monument of Draža Mihajlović in Libertyville, IL - symbol of hate, ethnic cleansing & genocide.

We are pleading to the Libertyville’s own Mr. Terry L. Weppler (Mayor), Village Board Members (Johnson, Moras, Justice, Adams, Garity, Carey), IL Governor Mr. Bruce Rauner, honorable Congressman Bradley Scott Schneider (Illinois's 10th congressional district), honorable Senator Mr. Dick Durbin and honorable Senator Mrs. Duckworth, and any government authority compelled to help us take action for the immediate removal of the monument, the symbol of hate, reminiscent of recent Bosnian aggression, ethnic cleansing, and Genocide.

Libertyville is located in south central Lake County, approximately 37 miles from Chicago and seven miles west of Lake Michigan. A community of about 22,000 inhabitants, enjoying the rich U.S. history and  traditions since 1830’s with the modern (music and arts) community and old town feel. Early settlers of Libertyville will certainly understand first Bosnian immigrants to Illinois... came with nothing, and build their livelihoods through hard work and determination. And it turned into a flourishing suburb of Chicago, where all ethnicities come together to build the fabric of American values.

We feel that with the erection of the monument in 2009, that Libertyville tranquility is disturbed. It is out of place, and does not reflect Libertyville’s values. U.S.A. never was and will never be a country which encourages or celebrates hatred, fascism and nazism. Case of Draža Mihailović, as the founder and leader of the Četnik movement from Serbia, exemplifies that disturbing definition.

“Četnik” (pronounced Chetnik) organisation he founded is a movement which should be named a terrorist organization, on grounds of committing Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia as 100 International Court cases have established; Milošević [3], Karadžić [4], Mladić [5], Plavšić [6], Hodžić [7], Lukić [8], and 103 other Serb convicted sentences. [9]

In last two decades the Serbian government, who endorses and supports Četniks (since their inception), has their lobbyists deeply entrenched in U.S. politics, manipulating history and facts (uncontested by politicians, who do not know any better). Facts about WWI, WWII and recent Bosnian aggression from Serbia is established by U.S., E.U, and International courts of justices. Not only Bosnia experienced the worse of Četniks (paramilitary, far-right extremist of Serbian government), but all former Yugoslav republics; Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. Only way they have been able to do it in middle of Europe, is their significant geo-political ally in their back... Russia. Russia is doing their betting in international affairs using their Veto powers at the U.N., in their own geopolitical military self-interest, and against all American assets, interests, and investments. Therefore this neo-fascist movement shall not exist.

Serbian Government (as well as the Četnik movement) is still deeply denying the Srebrenica Genocide (despite numerous International court decisions), where 8000 Bosniak man, woman, children and elderly were killed based on their ethnicity. Systematic ethnic cleansing effort via State aggression was conducted throughout Bosnia, not just Srebrenica. “In April 1992 and under MILOSEVIC's leadership, Serbia led various military campaigns to unite ethnic Serbs in neighboring republics into a "Greater Serbia." - U.S. Central Intelligence Agency [10].

Since then hundred Serb generals and Serb politicians are either serving their sentences, or find themselves in Hague Tribunal today. All of them were part of the Četnik movement started by Draže Mihajlović, and to this day those War Criminals are still seen as heroes by Četniks. Mentality and moral equivalent only seen by Taliban and ISIS today.

Unbeknownst to the local population of Libertyville, on September 7th 2009 their neighbourhood was chosen (under false pretenses) to display and glorify this European War Criminal, in turn his movement, which is responsible for deaths of 100,000, people in former Yugoslavia.

On May 25th 1995 Serbs took U.N. Peacekeepers hostage, for which actions U.S. and 19 NATO allies retaliated with bombing for 3 months of the Serbian capital Belgrade. Now those videos serve as propaganda videos for Serb radicals on YouTube [11]. As President Clinton then announced in this video broadcast from the White House; “we have seen (in Bosnia) worse inhumanities of our lifetime.“ [12]

Before today’s “ISIL” in the middle east, there was someone else known for chopping heads in Europe, in 1941 and ‘91 known as Četniks, as admitted by Aleksandar-Željko Knjeginjić just last week [43]. With this historical background, this monument is an embarrassment and humiliation to humanity, specifically Bosnian community who suffered enough through Genocide, and is still recovering from its losses, tragic and haunting events. This shall not stand, nor should it be acceptable in a country based on justice, freedom, and well-being of all citizens.

The effort to remove them is about more than symbolism. It’s about starting a conversation about the values and beliefs shared by a community. It’s about understanding our history as a nation. And it’s about acknowledging the injustices of the past as we address those of today.“- Southern Poverty Law Center. [13]

Please, support our cause by signing this petition and raise your voice by contacting YOUR representatives (Congressman, Senators...). Don’t know who your representatives are?

Click HERE.

Also, advise your community leaders, political and prominent figures in your country, to support this effort, raise awareness, and demand the immediate removal of the statue of Draža Mihailović anywhere. A monster who is responsible for 100,000 deaths in Yugoslavia during the period between 1941 and 1945 (which includes U.S. allies), and demand to label his Četnik and “Ravnogorski Pokret” as Terrorist organisations. They are responsible for Bosniak Genocide and ethnic cleansing that resulted in displacement of over 1,300,000 people, deaths of 63,000 civilians just little over 2 decades ago, and proved to be guilty of Genocide by International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague.

Giving Draža Mihajlović “Merit of Honor” award is like honoring Hitler with “Liberal Arts degree”, for his interest in painting… omitting the fact that he killed million Jews.

This hate shall not stand!

FULL Petition Document here: http://bit.ly/RemoveDraza (Google Docs)
 (Bosnian translation: http://bit.ly/UkloniDrazu)

Bosnian Americans (FB group)[57]
  • Association of Srebrenica Genocide Survivors [47] (Udruženje Preživjelih Srebreničkog Genocida)
  • Woman Victim of War [48] (Žena Žrtva Rata)
  • Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada [49] (Institut za Istraživanje Genocida, Kanada)
  • CNAB - Congress of North American Bosniaks [50] (KBSA - Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike)
  • Bosnian North American Woman’s Association [51] (Bosansko Sjeverno Američko Udruženje Žena)
  • Bosnian American Association Milwaukee [52] (Bosansko Američko Udruženje Milwaukee)
  • Children’s Movement for Peace, Love, Friendship “Children of Sarajevo” - NGO [53]
  • (Dječiji Pokret; Mira, Ljubavi, Prijateljstva “Djeca Sarajeva” - NVO)
  • Media:
  •  + Web: www.Bosniaks.net
  •  + TV: BHTVNY - www.batv.tv
  •  + Radio: Radio Naša Rijeć - Chicago - www.radionasarijec.com
  • BAPA - Bosnian-American Professionals Association [54] (BAUP - Bosansko-Američko Udruženje Profesionalaca)
  • Bosnian Professionals (second largest Bosnian LinkedIn Group)[56](Bosanski Profesionalci)

Sources - References:

[1]  https://www.guidestar.org/profile/91-2106528
[2]  https://www.melissadata.com/lookups/np.asp?zip=363260126
[3]  http://www.icty.org/x/cases/slobodan_milosevic/ind/en/mil-ii011122e.htm
[4]  http://www.icty.org/x/cases/karadzic/ind/en/kar-ai000428e.pdf
[5]  http://www.icty.org/x/cases/mladic/ind/en/kar-ii950724e.pdf
[6]  http://www.icty.org/x/cases/plavsic/tjug/en/030227_Plavsic_summary_en.pdf
[7]  http://www.icty.org/x/cases/hadzic/ind/en/110722.pdf
[9] http://www.icty.org/en/action/cases/4
[10] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/print_ri.html
[11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6fq7DjMsqU
[12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXPdY1zXXfA
[13] https://www.splcenter.org/20160421/whose-heritage-public-symbols-confederacy
[47] http://www.stlbosnians.com/businesses-2/307/association-of-survivors-of-the-srebrenica-genocide/
[48] https://web.archive.org/web/20100715192706/http://www.zena-zrtva-rata.ba:80/o_nama
[49] http://instituteforgenocide.org
[50] http://www.bosniak.org
[51] https://bosnawa.com
[52] http://www.nonprofitfacts.com/WI/Bosnian-American-Association-Inc-Baa.html
[53] http://www.sarajevotimes.com/the-anniversary-of-ngo-childrens-movement-for-peace-children-of-sarajevo-today/
[56] https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1772660
[57] https://www.facebook.com/BosnianAmericans/

This petition will be delivered to:
  • Representative
    Bradley Schneider
  • Senator
    Tammy Duckworth
  • Senator
    Dick Durbin
  • Governor
    Bruce Rauner
  • Chicago, IL Mayor
    Rahm Emanuel
  • Vibertyville, IL Mayor
    Terry Weppler


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com
