The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in World War II
“CHETNIKS” by Jozo Tomasevich: The Fallacy that Endures - Part One
By Miloslav Samardzic
March 17, 2015
According to the author in his own work, German documents should take precedence. However, a result of counting the reference footnotes reveals a surprise; they refer to the following sources: 68 attributed to Communist sources, and 64 to German…
The reviews concerning Joze Tomašević’s book on the Yugoslav Army in the Second World War, known as the Chetniks, are equal to the tone of the book itself, as the inaccuracies on each and every page require rebuttal. Yet, even after four decades it is amongst the most cited sources in this field. A browser request for information about the Chetniks, General Draza Mihailovic and his commanders, results in the first hit : Wikipedia – English, Serbian or Croatian – and in the footnotes citations to Tomašević’s ‘Chetniks’ dominate. However, if we examine the bibliographies of foreign historical works, we will again encounter Tomašević’s book, that is the first American edition of 1975. The reason for this is certainly that in the English language there is no other book of the same or similar name, historians around the world are dutifully required to work with native authors from countries of which they write, but due to language and financial barriers they do not examine actual archives.
Joze Tomašević’s book gained fame in socialist Yugoslavia, as soon as it was translated and published in 1979. Moreover, today is cited as an example of ‘objectivity’ according to official historians in Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo and other centers of the post-Yugoslav state.
In 1979, communist dictator Josip Broz Tito had been in power for three and a half decades and restrictive laws reigned. Freedom of speech, opinion and expression did not exist. Harsh prison sentences were imposed in particular for challenging the ‘achievements of the revolution’. The only historical perspectives allowed were those announced by the Communist Party and its leader. With regard to the Second World War, history as a science did not exist, it was the task of the persons called ‘historians’ to develop a thesis that Josip Broz Tito and other Communists declared at party congresses.
These facts suggests that Tomašević’s book ‘followed the party line’ raising the question of how and why was it published in Yugoslavia, given that the author had emigrated from his native Croatia in the 1930’s. He lived in America, where he worked as a clerk and a university lecturer until his retirement in 1973.
The first link in the chain was certainly the support of Croatian immigrants in America to Yugoslav communists during WWII. These Croats were shocked when the ” Independent State of Croatia ” became a favorite of Hitler in the Balkans and when he declared war on the United States. Particularly as in 1942, the whole world had learnt of the guerrilla uprising against the Germans in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, by the Serbs under the leadership of General Draza Mihailovich. Croatian immigrants in the U.S.A expected that their fatherland and countrymen would be punished after the war for their collaboration with Hitler and the genocide against the Serbs, Jews and Roma.
However, in 1943 came the news that in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, there was another guerilla, a communist, led by a Croat: Josip Broz Tito, whose ultimate goal was anti-Serb. American Croats, among them Jozo Tomašević, did not hesitate to support the Communists as a good choice for them. They were assured in 1944, when under pressure from Great Britain, the Yugoslav government then in London was dissolved, and the then Serbian Prime Minister Bozidar Puric were replaced by the Provisional Yugoslav government led by Croatian emigrant Dr. Ivan Šubašić. It was tasked to reach agreement with their compatriot Tito, primarily about the liquidation of Serbian Karadjordjevich dynasty and General Mihailovich. Šubašić and Tito acted accordingly, and Yugoslavia was re-constituted, with the Socialist Republic of Croatia emerging 10 percent larger than the two pre-war Croatian provinces, by contrast the Socialist Republic of Serbia became about 50 percent smaller than six pre-war Serbian provinces.
No wonder after retirement Jozo Tomašević started to co-operate with the Yugoslav communists, especially with one of Tito’s former partisans, Colonel Vojmir Klajkovich the then Assistant Director of Military History Institute in Belgrade – the main institution for the fabrication of history, and with Dr. Jovan Marjanovich, one of the leading official ‘historians’. Kljaković and Marjanovich sent Tomašević references and copies of selected documents; they acted as reviewers and guided the work.
From Tomaševic’s notes in the bibliography we can conclude that the aim of the co-operation was annulling a 1969 book published in London by professor of history at the University of British Columbia, Dr Ivan Avakumović, whose premise was that German documents verified ” Mihailovich as their main enemy in Yugoslavia ”. This book was printed in Serbian, but the communists feared that it would be translated and published in English. In the US National Archives, Avakumović studied seized Wehrmacht documents and conveyed their essence: the main enemy of the Germans in the Balkans were the Chetniks under the command of General Mihailovich, while the Partisans were a terrorist formation of the Communist Party, which used the war in the struggle for power who allied even with convicts who escaped in the chaos of war.
Tomašević erroneously emphasizes that his ‘most important sources were seized German and Italian war documents available at the National Archives of the United States’, giving an impression that his primary material is German. He then states that he used American and British documents as well as ” a series of Chetnik documents ”, obtained from the Military History Institute in Belgrade. Finally, under ‘published materials’, he ‘cites’ around 500 books and other works from various sources.
Clearly, it was an obvious ambition of Tomašević not only to deny, but to overcome Avakumović’s objective work, devoted to only the question of how the Germans saw the Chetniks, and in so doing providing a German perspective of the communists.
A Critique of Tomaševič’s book should start with the key question: does it study the Chetnik movement following the principle of referencing actual source documents of German origin, in association with American and British sources and their own (Chetnik) documents, and many other published sources.
To examine this issue, we must look in detail at chapters: 7, 9 and 11: ‘Chetniks and foreign enemy,’ ‘The collapse of Italy and the Battle for Serbia’ ‘and’ ‘The loss of bases in Serbia’. They are of critical importance, because the first six chapters relate to the pre-war situation, the war during April 1941 and other general questions, the eighth chapter is dedicated to politics, the tenth to relations with the Allies, and the final 12th chapter deals with the post war period.
In the seventh chapter on pages 180-232, in the Croatian edition there are 184 referenced footnotes. According to the author’s premise that: German documents should take precedence, followed by documents from Italian, American, British and Chetnik sources. However, counting the sources reveals a surprise, the footnotes refer to the following sources: 68 from Communist sources, 64 from German, 25 from Italian, and 8 from Serbian expatriates, 6 primary Chetnik documents and 2 from a book on Nedić. The remaining footnotes are the author’s own comments.
In chapter 9, pages 283-320 have 111 footnotes, 85 are of German origin, 12 from communist sources, 5 British, 4 from Serbian expatriates and one attributed to a supporter of Ljotić. There are no references to American and Chetnik documents.
In chapter 11, pages 353-379 have 99 footnotes, 39 from Communist sources, 33 German, 19 from Serbian emigres, 2 from British sources, one American and one from a supporter of Ljotić. Again there is not a single source from primary Chetnik documents.
Thus, in two of the key three chapters the most numerous sources are communist. In all three key chapters only six footnotes refer to primary Chetnik documents, which means that the Chetniks were described from the perspective of their enemies the communists! – who are referenced in more than 90 percent of the footnotes. Such a choice is, of course, the right of the author. But we may conclude from examination that the affirmation of an objective approach is merely a masquerade. Communist sources predominate in two of the three key chapters, the author does not mention this fact in his introductory notes regarding his bibliography.
The conspicuous absence of US documents is explained by Jozo Tomašević that in terms of his own personal assessment, even though American intelligence officers were on the ground among the Chetniks, they ” did not know ” what was happening. He makes a similar comment as regards British officers, despite the fact that:
”They did not have documented evidence of Chetnik collaboration with the Germans”.
Specifically, Chetnik units during the war assisted around 1,000 Allied officers, NCOs and soldiers. Some were intelligence officers, others were combatants fighting alongside the Chetniks. Chetniks also helped third parties escape from Axis forces, rescued downed Allied pilots from capture, etc. In excess of 1,000 Allied witnesses corroborated that the Chetniks were part of the Allied fight against Axis forces. But the substance of Tomašević’s work is based on communist propaganda against the Chetniks. It is this propaganda that Tomašević references and leads him to comment that the: Americans and the British ” did not know ” and “did not have evidence “ that the Chetniks were fighting against Axis forces.
Tomašević does not explain the lack of use of actual Chetnik wartime documents. However, given the book is titled ‘Chetniks’, surely it should contain a significant proportion of their documents, especially as in the Archives of the Military History Institute in Belgrade (today: Military Archive) there are approximately a million pages of original primary Chetnik documents. In Tomašević’s book they constitute only around one percent of the reference material. In terms of Western standards of academic rigor it is very unusual. By contrast would a book concerning the American or British armies attribute one percent of its reference sources to US / British documents? However, in communist propaganda that type of bias is commonplace.
This criticism cannot be leveled against Avakumović’s work, as it was referenced as the title suggests: ‘Mihailovic according to German documents’ on actual German documents. Tomašević decided to write a general ‘ final history ‘ of the Chetnik movement, as announced by his American book publisher. Colonel Kljaković, Tomašević’s reviewer explicitly instructed that ” Tomašević must not omit one component of the Chetnik phenomenon ”, so that future works ” could not find new factors of significance ”.
The main tone of the book is given over to communist sources, and these sources are limited and biased by adherence to communist ideology. Some of the books referred to in Tomašević’s footnotes formed the basis of propaganda in Tito’s Yugoslavia: ” War of Liberation ”, ” Tito – Military Achievements ”, ” Neretva – Compilation of Works ”, ” Documents of betrayal Draza Mihailovich ”, ” The trial of members of the organization’s management of Draza Mihailovich ”, and so on. Some were less well known, ” Dalmacija 1942 ” (published in Zagreb in 1959), ‘The emergence and development of the Chetnik movement in Croatia’ ‘(Belgrade 1962),’ International Relations in Yugoslavia during World War II ” (Belgrade, 1962 ), and so on. Utilising these biased sources Tomašević does not acknowledge the fact that socialist systems worldwide:- from Cuba, through Yugoslavia, to North Korea – systematically utilize invented events to bolster their regimes. Moreover, he repeatedly the inevitable praises the ‘great leader’ Tito, with numerous negative remarks in respect of his main opponent: Gen. Draza Mihailovich. Likewise, he uncritically utilized falsified documents created for the purpose of post-war show trials of Mihailovich, his soldiers and supporters.
Criticism of the aforementioned communist books is superfluous, at this point, however, it remains to be seen how Tomašević used German documents, on which almost half of his work was purportedly based.
The first test for this requires examination of orders and reports from the German commander of south-east Yugoslavia in 1942 and 1943. Namely General Ler, in 1942 he recorded that ” the most dangerous opponent was Mihailovich ”. Whilst for his successor, Field Marshal Vajks, the most dangerous opponent in 1943 he declared to be Tito. At that time, November 1943, Mihailovich also declared the communists to be the primary enemy and the Germans secondary. Danger from communist forces increased due to huge deliveries of weapons from the Allies to the communists, which they used primarily to attack the Chetniks rather than the Germans.
Thus, the test of objective use of German references is simple: Do we find equally in Tomašević’s work the assessments of Ler and Vajks?
The reviewer, Dr. Jovan Marjanovich, failed this test, by not citing the words of General Ler in his book: ” Draza Mihailovich between the British and the Germans ” (although he cites other less important parts of the document).
Tomašević’s work clearly fails this test of objectivity.
End of part one.
Translated from the original Serbian by Mane Popovich.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
Monday, March 30, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Posted on You Tube by "Art Vista"
Published on March 13, 2015
"Za kralja i otadžbinu" je dirljiva priča koja prati sudbinu starog srpskog ratnika Milisava Janjića, bivšeg kaplara, koji se tokom Drugog svetskog rata borio protiv nemačkog okupatora kao pripadnik Ravnogorskog pokreta i posilni pukovnika Dragoljuba Draže Mihailovića. Kroz vešto preplitanje njegovih uspomena i sećanja na prošlost i ratna dešavanja u proleće 1941. godine, sa savremenim trenucima, autor pripoveda o napadu fašističke Nemačke, Aprilskom ratu i slomu Kraljevine Jugoslavije, o nedaći koja je zadesila srpski narod, gubitku slobode, pojavi oslobodilačkih pokreta u Srbiji i o jednom srpskom vojniku, koji se posle 65 godina izgnanstva u Americi, vraća u otadžbinu.
Film nosi snažnu antiratnu i humanu poruku. Posvećen je svim rodoljubima i patriotama koji su 1941. godine branili svoju zemlju i odaje počast najboljim slobodarskim tradicijama i težnjama srpskog naroda, ma kako on u Drugom svetskom ratu bio organizovan.
Režiser i scenarista: Radoš Bajić
Direktor fotografije: Predrag Jočić
Montažer: Stevan Marić
Scenograf: Dragan Mićanović
Kostimograf: Vesna Teodosić
Masker: Dušica Vuksanović i Aleksandar Rasinac
Snimatelj zvuka: Darko Glišić i Vladica Budić
Dizajner zvuka: Igor Perović
Muzika: HIBOU
Distribucija- ART VISTA DOO
Marko Nikolić, Neda Arnerić, Nebojša Glogovac, Nenad Okanović, Ivana Adžić, Maša Lazarević, Slobodan Ninković, Ljiljana Stjepanović, Lazar Ristovski, Nenad Jezdić, Ivan Vučković, Aleksandar Đurica, Nedeljko Bajić, Miloš Timotijević i mnogi drugi.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
Thursday, March 26, 2015
"Klub Monarhista"
March 23, 2015
Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина били су домаћини отварања изложбе „Генерал Михаиловић – први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“ данас у Белом Двору у Београду. Свечани пријем у Белом Двору приређен је у част премијере филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“ аутора Радоша Бајића.
Поздрављајући госте, Њ.К.В. Престолонаследник Александар је истакао:
„Мојој супрузи и мени велико је задовољство да вам пожелимо добродошлицу вечерас, на отварању изложбе „Генерал Михаиловић – први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“, аутора Душана Бабца, члана Крунског већа. Вечерас ћемо сви заједно у Сава Центру присуствовати премијери филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“. Желим да се посебно захвалим аутору филма господину Радошу Бајићу, на његовом изузетном уметничком делу. Сигуран сам да ће овај филм значајно допринети даљем расветљавању улоге генерала Михаиловића и југословенске војске у отаџбини у српској историји. Априла хиљаду деветсто четрдесет прве, заједно са неколико стотина официра и војника, пуковник Михаиловић створио је први покрет отпора у Другом светском рату, не само у Југославији него и у целој Европи. Као што је био први који је пружио отпор нацистичкој окупацији, генерал Михаиловић био је и први који се супротставио бруталној послератној комунистичкој диктатури. Процес његове судске рехабилитације започео је две хиљаде шесте године и ја се искрено надам да ће у што скорије време бити окончан. Национално помирење може да почива само на истини, исправљању неправди и праштању. Нашој земљи је неопходно више јединства, правде и правичности за све. Молимо се за све који су изгубили своје животе на свим странама!“, истакао је Престолонаследник.
Обраћајући се присутнима, аутор филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“ г-дин Радош Бајић је истакао:
„На крају тешког и трновитог пута на којем сам се ваљда Божијом вољом нашао – после десет епизода ТВ Серије „Равна Гора“, којој су тек што је узлетела сасечена крила – филмом „За Краља и Отаџбину“ опраштам се од теме која је више од седам деценија била забрањена, скрајнута и затрпана лажима, једноумљем и бешчашћем. Опраштам се, а тек смо почели. Када Вас вечерас видим, у оволиком броју, са срцима за истину и за правду – не жалим што сам почињао“- истакао је г-дин Бајић.
Специјалну част својим присуством на отварању указао је Њ.Е. г-дин Хајнц Вилхелм, амбасадор Савезне Републике Немачке у Србији.
Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина присуствоваће вечерас од 20:30 часова премијери филма „За Краља и отаџбину“ у београдском Сава центру.
По завршеној пројекцији, присутнима ће се обратити Његово Краљевско Височанство Престолонаследник Александар који ће одликовати г-дина Радоша Бајића, аутора филма „За Краља и отаџбину“ Орденом Круне III реда, за заслуге за Краљевски Дом, за народно и опште добро.
Изложба „Генерал Михаиловић – Први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“ биће отворена сваког радног дана до 3. априла 2015. године. Сви грађани који су заинтересовани да посете ову интересантну изложбу, могу то да учине у оквиру групних обилазака, у термину од 10:00 часова уз обавезну најаву на телефон: 011 306 4000 или путем е-поште на
Фонд Краљевски Двор жели да се захвали Архиву Југославије, Архиву САНУ, амбасади Републике Француске у Србији, амбасади Сједињених Америчких Држава у Србији, члановима Крунског савета академику Матији Бећковићу и г-дину Слободану Марковићу, г-дину Милославу Самарџићу, г-дину Бранку Јевтићу, г-дину Александру Чолићу, и г-ђи Александри Ребић и г-дину Бранку Петровићу из Сједињених Америчких Држава на несебичној помоћи и доприносу у припреми изложбе.
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine hosted the opening of the exhibition “General Mihailovic – the First Freedom Fighter in Occupied Europe” at theWhite Palace in Belgrade tonight. The reception at the White Palace was prepared in honour of the premiere of the film “For King and the Country” by Rados Bajic.
Welcoming the guests, HRH Prince Alexander said:
“It is a great pleasure for my wife and me to welcome you this evening at the opening of the exhibition “General Mihailovic – the first freedom fighter in occupied Europe“, set by Mr Dusan Babac, the member of the Privy Council. The opening of this exhibition coincides with the premiere of the film “For King and Country” and I wish to especially thank Mr Rados Bajic for his exceptional work of art. In April 1941, Colonel Mihailovic, with several hundred officers and men, created the first resistance movement in the Second World War, not only ofYugoslavia , but of all Europe . Just as he was the first to resist German occupation, General Mihailovic was the first to fight against the brutal communist dictatorship. The process of his legal rehabilitation began in 2006 and I sincerely hope it is going to be finalized very soon. National reconciliation may rest only on truth, correction of injustice and forgiving. Historic processes and persons are examined for many years and certainly “generations judge deeds”. Our country needs more unity, fairness and justice for all. Let us pray for all those who lost their lives on all sides!” said the Crown Prince.
Addressing the audience, the author of “For King and Country” Mr Rados Bajic said:
“At the end of the hard and thorny road on which I found myself, I guess by the will of God – after a ten-episodes of the TV series “Ravna Gora”, whose wings were cut short just as it lifted off – the film “For King and Country” is my farewell to the theme which for more than seven decades was forbidden, marginalized and buried in lies, single-mindedness and dishonour. I am saying goodbye, although we’ve only just begun. When I see you tonight, in such great numbers, with hearts open for truth and justice – I do not regret what I started” – said Mr Bajic.
Thespecial honour to the opening of this exhibition was the attendance of HE Mr Heinz Wilhelm, ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Serbia .
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine will attend tonight at 8:30 pm the premiere of “For King and Country” at the Sava Centre inBelgrade .
After the projection, the audience will be addressed by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander, who will award Mr Rados Bajic, the author of the film “For King and Country” the Order of the Crown 3rd Class for the merits for the Royal House, the country, and the common good.
The exhibition “General Mihailovic – The First Freedom Fighter in Occupied Europe” will be open every day until 3 April 2015. All citizens who are interested to visit this interesting exhibition, may do so group tours, from 10:00 am with a mandatory notification by phone: 011 306 4000 or via e-mail
The Royal Palace Fund would like to thank the Yugoslav Archives, the Archives of SASA, the Embassy of France in Serbia, the US Embassy in Serbia, members of the Crown Council academician Matija Beckovic and Mr Slobodan Markovic, Mr Miloslav Samardzic, Mr Branko Jevtic , Mr Aleksandar Colic, Ms Aleksandra Rebic and Mr Branko Petrovic from the United States for their generous assistance and contributions to the exhibition.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
"Klub Monarhista"
March 23, 2015
Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина били су домаћини отварања изложбе „Генерал Михаиловић – први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“ данас у Белом Двору у Београду. Свечани пријем у Белом Двору приређен је у част премијере филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“ аутора Радоша Бајића.
Поздрављајући госте, Њ.К.В. Престолонаследник Александар је истакао:
„Мојој супрузи и мени велико је задовољство да вам пожелимо добродошлицу вечерас, на отварању изложбе „Генерал Михаиловић – први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“, аутора Душана Бабца, члана Крунског већа. Вечерас ћемо сви заједно у Сава Центру присуствовати премијери филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“. Желим да се посебно захвалим аутору филма господину Радошу Бајићу, на његовом изузетном уметничком делу. Сигуран сам да ће овај филм значајно допринети даљем расветљавању улоге генерала Михаиловића и југословенске војске у отаџбини у српској историји. Априла хиљаду деветсто четрдесет прве, заједно са неколико стотина официра и војника, пуковник Михаиловић створио је први покрет отпора у Другом светском рату, не само у Југославији него и у целој Европи. Као што је био први који је пружио отпор нацистичкој окупацији, генерал Михаиловић био је и први који се супротставио бруталној послератној комунистичкој диктатури. Процес његове судске рехабилитације започео је две хиљаде шесте године и ја се искрено надам да ће у што скорије време бити окончан. Национално помирење може да почива само на истини, исправљању неправди и праштању. Нашој земљи је неопходно више јединства, правде и правичности за све. Молимо се за све који су изгубили своје животе на свим странама!“, истакао је Престолонаследник.
Обраћајући се присутнима, аутор филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“ г-дин Радош Бајић је истакао:
„На крају тешког и трновитог пута на којем сам се ваљда Божијом вољом нашао – после десет епизода ТВ Серије „Равна Гора“, којој су тек што је узлетела сасечена крила – филмом „За Краља и Отаџбину“ опраштам се од теме која је више од седам деценија била забрањена, скрајнута и затрпана лажима, једноумљем и бешчашћем. Опраштам се, а тек смо почели. Када Вас вечерас видим, у оволиком броју, са срцима за истину и за правду – не жалим што сам почињао“- истакао је г-дин Бајић.
Специјалну част својим присуством на отварању указао је Њ.Е. г-дин Хајнц Вилхелм, амбасадор Савезне Републике Немачке у Србији.
Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина присуствоваће вечерас од 20:30 часова премијери филма „За Краља и отаџбину“ у београдском Сава центру.
По завршеној пројекцији, присутнима ће се обратити Његово Краљевско Височанство Престолонаследник Александар који ће одликовати г-дина Радоша Бајића, аутора филма „За Краља и отаџбину“ Орденом Круне III реда, за заслуге за Краљевски Дом, за народно и опште добро.
Изложба „Генерал Михаиловић – Први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“ биће отворена сваког радног дана до 3. априла 2015. године. Сви грађани који су заинтересовани да посете ову интересантну изложбу, могу то да учине у оквиру групних обилазака, у термину од 10:00 часова уз обавезну најаву на телефон: 011 306 4000 или путем е-поште на
Фонд Краљевски Двор жели да се захвали Архиву Југославије, Архиву САНУ, амбасади Републике Француске у Србији, амбасади Сједињених Америчких Држава у Србији, члановима Крунског савета академику Матији Бећковићу и г-дину Слободану Марковићу, г-дину Милославу Самарџићу, г-дину Бранку Јевтићу, г-дину Александру Чолићу, и г-ђи Александри Ребић и г-дину Бранку Петровићу из Сједињених Америчких Држава на несебичној помоћи и доприносу у припреми изложбе.
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine hosted the opening of the exhibition “General Mihailovic – the First Freedom Fighter in Occupied Europe” at the
Welcoming the guests, HRH Prince Alexander said:
“It is a great pleasure for my wife and me to welcome you this evening at the opening of the exhibition “General Mihailovic – the first freedom fighter in occupied Europe“, set by Mr Dusan Babac, the member of the Privy Council. The opening of this exhibition coincides with the premiere of the film “For King and Country” and I wish to especially thank Mr Rados Bajic for his exceptional work of art. In April 1941, Colonel Mihailovic, with several hundred officers and men, created the first resistance movement in the Second World War, not only of
Addressing the audience, the author of “For King and Country” Mr Rados Bajic said:
“At the end of the hard and thorny road on which I found myself, I guess by the will of God – after a ten-episodes of the TV series “Ravna Gora”, whose wings were cut short just as it lifted off – the film “For King and Country” is my farewell to the theme which for more than seven decades was forbidden, marginalized and buried in lies, single-mindedness and dishonour. I am saying goodbye, although we’ve only just begun. When I see you tonight, in such great numbers, with hearts open for truth and justice – I do not regret what I started” – said Mr Bajic.
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine will attend tonight at 8:30 pm the premiere of “For King and Country” at the Sava Centre in
After the projection, the audience will be addressed by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander, who will award Mr Rados Bajic, the author of the film “For King and Country” the Order of the Crown 3rd Class for the merits for the Royal House, the country, and the common good.
The exhibition “General Mihailovic – The First Freedom Fighter in Occupied Europe” will be open every day until 3 April 2015. All citizens who are interested to visit this interesting exhibition, may do so group tours, from 10:00 am with a mandatory notification by phone: 011 306 4000 or via e-mail
The Royal Palace Fund would like to thank the Yugoslav Archives, the Archives of SASA, the Embassy of France in Serbia, the US Embassy in Serbia, members of the Crown Council academician Matija Beckovic and Mr Slobodan Markovic, Mr Miloslav Samardzic, Mr Branko Jevtic , Mr Aleksandar Colic, Ms Aleksandra Rebic and Mr Branko Petrovic from the United States for their generous assistance and contributions to the exhibition.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
WHAT IS OWED TO THE SERBS. / By Aleksandra Rebic March 24, 2015
One of those moments you never forget: Before the dawn on March 25, 1999, I stepped outside the door to find The New York Times there on the ground with the headline announcing that NATO had begun its bombing campaign against the Serbs in the former Yugoslavia on March 24, 1999. I remember looking at that front page of the paper before picking it up and thinking - "They are really doing it. It's no longer a threat. It's real. It's real. What a mistake. What a mistake." Then I picked up the paper and went back inside. So began a 78 bombing campaign which included the time span over the Easter holiday and my family's Christian Patron Saint's Day - our Krsna Slava, St. Lazarus Saturday - which falls a week before Serbian Orthodox Easter.
I love America. Always have. Always will. But that bombing campaign in 1999, yet another horrific mistep in American foreign policy against the Christian Serbs that had spanned throughout the decade of the 1990s, beginning with the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, was a mistake of GIANT proportions. The Serbians had always been one of America's most steadfast and loyal Allies and certainly her best friend in the Balkans for sure. What hurts the most is that now so many Serbians no longer consider America a friend or an ally and have no wish to be either of those to America. That is the real tragedy. The WRONG people were targeted. The WRONG people were punished. The WRONG people in the Balkans were alienated.
The NATO bombing campaign of 1999 against the Serbs stands as one of the most unjust acts of aggression in the history of the world. I can only hope and pray that, at the very least, some day there will be a public act of contrition in the form of a public apology from America, regardless of whether there is one from her NATO allies or not, and that this apology will resound for all the world to hear.
Aleksandra Rebic
Chicago, IL
March 24, 2015
Aleksandra Rebic
Chicago, IL
March 24, 2015
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
филм „За краља и отаџбину“ - Краљевски пар на премијери филма у Сава центру у Београду / Film “For King and Country” - Serbian Royal Couple attend film premiere at the Sava Centre in Belgrade / March 23, 2015
March 24, 2015
Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина присуствовала су синоћ премијери филма „За краља и отаџбину“ аутора Радоша Бајића приказаног у препуној великој дворани Сава центра у Београду.
Његово Краљевско Височанство Престолонаследник Александар је одликовао аутора Радоша Бајића Орденом Круне III реда, за заслуге за Краљевски Дом, за народно и опште добро.
У свом обраћању, Престолонаследник Александар је истакао:
„Веома сам срећан и поносан што је премијера филма „За краља и отаџбину“ изазвала оволику пажњу јавности. Историју нико не може да избрише, и она увек све догађаје и све личности постави на право место. Желим да се посебно захвалим аутору филма господину Радошу Бајићу на његовом изузетном уметничком делу. Сигуран сам да ће овај филм значајно допринети даљем расветљавању новије српске историје. Зато сам одлучио да господину Радошу Бајићу доделим Орден Круне! Молимо се за све који су изгубили своје животе на свим странама!“
Престолонаследник је женским члановима екипе поклонио цвеће, што је изазвало громогласан аплауз.
Радош Бајић се срдачно захвалио
Престолонаследнику на указаној части.
Филм „За краља и отаџбину“ носи снажну антиратну и хуману поруку. Посвећен је свим родољубима и патриотама који су 1941. године бранили своју земљу и одаје почаст најбољим слободарским традицијама и тежњама српског народа, ма како он у Другом светском рату био организован.
Serbian Royal Couple at the Film premiere of “For King and Country” at the Sava Centre in Belgrade
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine attended last night the premiere of “For King and Country” by author Rados Bajic at the great hall of Sava Centre in Belgrade, in front of a huge audience.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander decorated Mr Rados Bajic, the author of the film “For King and Country” with the Order of the Crown 3rd Class for the merits for the Royal House, the country, and the common good.
In his address, Crown Prince Alexander emphasized:
“I am very happy and proud that the premiere of the film “For King and country” has drawn such great interest of the public. No one can erase history, and history always puts all events and all figures in the right place. I wish to especially thank Mr Rados Bajic for his exceptional production. I am sure this film will significantly contribute to the clarification of recent history of Serbia. That is why I have decided to award the Order of the Crown to Mr. Rados Bajic! Finally, let us pray for all those who lost their lives on all sides!”
Crown Prince presented flowers to female members of the film crew, and was awarded with a huge applause from the audience.
Rados Bajic sincerely thanked the Crown Prince for a great honour.
Film “For King and Country” conveys a profound anti-war and humane message. It is dedicated to all patriots who defended their country in 1941, and pays respect to highest freedom seeking aspirations of Serbian people, no matter who took part during World War Two.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
Sunday, March 22, 2015
VIDEO [Serbian/English] - Нових шест епизода документарне ТВ серије ''Краљевина Југославија у Другом светском рату'' - епизоде 7-12 - од данас можете погледати на Вимеу. / The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in World War Two - Episodes 7-12 now available!
The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in World War Two - Episodes 7-12 - Teaser
from Miloslav Samardzic on Vimeo.
Description of the events based on the latest historical discoveries.
Forty interlocutors, interviewed in Serbia, Slovenia, Italy, Canada, USA and the UK. Plenty of documentary war footage, the majority of which shown for the first time. Filmed in event locations visible on actual war photographs.
Country: Serbia. Year: 2015 Language: Serbian and English. 30 minutes per episode.
Опис догађаја на основу најновијих историјских открића. Четрдесет саговорника, интервјуисаних у Србији, Словенији, Италији, Канади, Америци и Великој Британији. Обиље документарних ратних снимака, од којих се многи приказују премијерно. Сцене снимљене на местима дешавања, поред објеката који се виде на ратним фотографијама. Земља: Србија. Година: 2014. Језик: српски и енглески. 30 минута по епизоди.
Документарац Краљевина ЈУ у 2. светском рату на Вимеу
Нових шест епизода документарне ТВ серије ''Краљевина Југославија у Другом светском рату'' - епизоде 7-12 - од данас можете погледати на Вимеу.
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У име екипе документарца,
Милослав Самарџић, аутор
Episode 7: The Final Chetnik Offensive Against The Axis
September 1944, in the West (Italy) are the Western Allies, in the East (Romania and Bulgaria) is the Red Army. The Yugoslav Army, known as the Chetniks, attacked the Germans and Ustashi in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, anticipating the arrival of the Western Allies. However, the Chetniks were attacked from behind by the armed wing of the illegal Communist Party, known as the Partisans ...
Септембар 1944. На западу (Италија) су Западни савезници, а на истоку (Румунија и Бугарска) Црвена армија. Југословенска војска, позната под именом четници, напада Немце и усташе у Србији, Босни и Херцеговини, очекујући долазак Западних савезника. Међутим, четнике са леђа нападају оружане формације илегалне Комунистичке партије, познате под именом партизани...
Episode 8: King Peter, Churchill and Roosevelt
September 12th 1944, the Supreme Commander of the Yugoslav Army, King Peter II Karadjordjevich, via Radio London urged his army to put themselves under the command of the Communists – whose first war aim was to depose the King and to destroy his army!
Why did the King do that?
How did his soldiers react to that? (their exclusive interviews included)
Film of King Peter’s visit to President Roosevelt in the White House ... The “Euro In” festival in Novi Sad, December 2014 awarded this episode as being of particular historical importance.
Дванаести септембар 1944. Врховни командант Југословенске војске, краљ Петар Други Карађорђевић, преко Радио Лондона позива своју војску да стане под команду комуниста - којима је први ратни циљ управо ликвидација краља и његове војску. Зашто је краљ то учинио? Како су реаговали његови војници (њихови ексклузивни интервјуи)? Звучни видео запис краљеве посете председнику Рузвелту у Белој кући... Ова епизода је на Евро ин фесту у Новом Саду децембра 2014. награђена као остварење од посебног иситориографског значаја.
Episode 9: In the Whirlwind
Why did the British Prime Minister Churchill force the Yugoslav King to give a speech on September 12th 1944?
Why did the BBC praise the Partisans from 1943 onwards?
What did British officers who spent the war with the Chetniks: Major Archie Jack and Michael Lees say about that?
What the modern British historian Heather Williams said on this subject?
What was the truth concerning British Communist members (James Klugmann, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt...) embedded in British secret service SOE?
Why did British and American liaison officers to the Yugoslav Army High Command clash?
Зашто је британски премијер Черчил присилио југословенског краља да одржи говор од 12. септембра 1944? Зашто је Би-Би-Си још од 1943. године хвалио партизане? Шта о томе кажу британски официри који су провели рат са четницима, мајори Арчи Џек и Мајкл Лиз? Какво је објашњење савремене британске историчарке Хедер Вилијамс? Шта је истина о члановима Комунистичке партије Енглеске (Џејмс Клугман, Ким Филби, Ентони Блант...) убаченим у бритнаску тајну службу СОЕ? Зашто су се у четничкој Врховној команди сукобили британски и амерички официри за везу?
Episode 10: McDowell Against Stalin
Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the late summer and early fall of 1944.
The US intelligence service OSS (later the CIA) sent Mission Ranger to the Supreme Command of the Yugoslav Army (the Chetniks).
Who was Colonel Robert McDowell, Head of the Mission Ranger?
What was the purpose of the Mission, and what did its members report after visiting Chetnik held territory?
Why was the German offer to surrender their Balkans troops to Mission Ranger and the Chetniks not accepted?
Why did Allied aircraft bomb Serbian cities as if they were part of the Axis, and treat cities of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) as if they were Allied?
Краљевина Југославија, касног лета и ране јесени 1944. године. Америчка обавештајна служба ОСС (потоња ЦИА) шаље у Врховну команду Југословенске војске (четници) Мисију ''Ренџер''. Ко је био пуковник др Роберт Мекдауел, шеф Мисије ''Ренџер''? Шта је био циљ Мисије и шта су извештавали њени чланови после обиласка слободне територије? Зашто није прихваћена понуда Немаца на Балкану да се предају Мисији ''Ренџер'' и четницима? Зашто су савезнички авиони бомбардовали српске градове као да су немачки, а градове у ''Независној Држави Хрватској'' као да су савезнички?
Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the late summer and early fall of 1944.
The US intelligence service OSS (later the CIA) sent Mission Ranger to the Supreme Command of the Yugoslav Army (the Chetniks).
Who was Colonel Robert McDowell, Head of the Mission Ranger?
What was the purpose of the Mission, and what did its members report after visiting Chetnik held territory?
Why was the German offer to surrender their Balkans troops to Mission Ranger and the Chetniks not accepted?
Why did Allied aircraft bomb Serbian cities as if they were part of the Axis, and treat cities of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) as if they were Allied?
Краљевина Југославија, касног лета и ране јесени 1944. године. Америчка обавештајна служба ОСС (потоња ЦИА) шаље у Врховну команду Југословенске војске (четници) Мисију ''Ренџер''. Ко је био пуковник др Роберт Мекдауел, шеф Мисије ''Ренџер''? Шта је био циљ Мисије и шта су извештавали њени чланови после обиласка слободне територије? Зашто није прихваћена понуда Немаца на Балкану да се предају Мисији ''Ренџер'' и четницима? Зашто су савезнички авиони бомбардовали српске градове као да су немачки, а градове у ''Независној Држави Хрватској'' као да су савезнички?
Episode 11: Red Army Invades
Lieutenant Kramer, the fifth member of Mission Ranger was the only American officer captured by the Red Army during WW2.
How Lieutenant Kramer saved himself and why he had to flee from Italy?
How the Chetniks liberated Krushevac from the Germans.
The battle between the Chetniks and the Red Army in Krushevac and the air battle between the Red Army and the Western Allies over Nish.
In the final stages of the war, why did Roosevelt’s relations with Churchill deteriorate and improve with Stalin?
Одисеја поручника Крамера, петог члана Мисије ''Ренџер'': био је једини амерички официр ког је заробила Црвена армија. Како се спасао поручник Крамер и зашто је после тога морао да бежи и из Италије? Како су четници ослободили Крушевац од Немаца? Борба четника и Црвене армије код Крушевца и ваздушна борба Црвене армије и Западних савезника код Ниша. Зашто је Рузвелт у последњој фази рата био у лошим односима са Черчилом, а у добрим односима са Стаљином?
Episode 12: Battle for Democracy
Why were the nations of Eastern Europe - Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia allied to the Western allies – given over to the Communists?
Archival sound film of President Benesh of Czechoslovakia’s visit to President Roosevelt in the White House and recordings of the New York parade held in honour of the Poles.
Why did the Foreign Office ask General Drazha Mihailovich and the Chetniks to perform a task “which they certainly will not be able to perform” and to use it as an alibi for the shifting of the support to the Communists?
Зашто су државе Источне Европе, које су припадале Западним савезницима - Пољска, Чехословачка и Југославија - препуштене комунистима? Архивски звучни филмови о посети председника Чехословачке Бенеша председнику Рузвелту у Белој кући и снимци параде у част Пољака у Њујорку. Зашто је Форин офис тражио да се од генерала Драже Михаиловића и четника захтева извођење задатка ''који са сигурношћу неће моћи да изведу'', да би се то употребило као алиби за подршку комунистима?
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
Lieutenant Kramer, the fifth member of Mission Ranger was the only American officer captured by the Red Army during WW2.
How Lieutenant Kramer saved himself and why he had to flee from Italy?
How the Chetniks liberated Krushevac from the Germans.
The battle between the Chetniks and the Red Army in Krushevac and the air battle between the Red Army and the Western Allies over Nish.
In the final stages of the war, why did Roosevelt’s relations with Churchill deteriorate and improve with Stalin?
Одисеја поручника Крамера, петог члана Мисије ''Ренџер'': био је једини амерички официр ког је заробила Црвена армија. Како се спасао поручник Крамер и зашто је после тога морао да бежи и из Италије? Како су четници ослободили Крушевац од Немаца? Борба четника и Црвене армије код Крушевца и ваздушна борба Црвене армије и Западних савезника код Ниша. Зашто је Рузвелт у последњој фази рата био у лошим односима са Черчилом, а у добрим односима са Стаљином?
Episode 12: Battle for Democracy
Why were the nations of Eastern Europe - Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia allied to the Western allies – given over to the Communists?
Archival sound film of President Benesh of Czechoslovakia’s visit to President Roosevelt in the White House and recordings of the New York parade held in honour of the Poles.
Why did the Foreign Office ask General Drazha Mihailovich and the Chetniks to perform a task “which they certainly will not be able to perform” and to use it as an alibi for the shifting of the support to the Communists?
Зашто су државе Источне Европе, које су припадале Западним савезницима - Пољска, Чехословачка и Југославија - препуштене комунистима? Архивски звучни филмови о посети председника Чехословачке Бенеша председнику Рузвелту у Белој кући и снимци параде у част Пољака у Њујорку. Зашто је Форин офис тражио да се од генерала Драже Михаиловића и четника захтева извођење задатка ''који са сигурношћу неће моћи да изведу'', да би се то употребило као алиби за подршку комунистима?
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
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