Monday, September 23, 2019

VIDEO / "OPERATION HALYARD AND THE FORGOTTEN 500" / Featuring General Draza Mihailovich and his Chetniks, the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland, the OSS Agents, and the Rescued Airmen

General Draza Mihailovich
Supreme Commander of the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland WWII.

Aleksandra's Note: Excellent video documentary about the WWII Halyard Mission Rescue Operation, which highlights and features General Draza Mihailovich, his Chetniks, the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland, the OSS Agents, the Rescued Airmen, and others, such as the Tuskegee Airmen and the Serbian people loyal to Mihailovich, who made the successful rescues from behind enemy lines possible. The archival footage and photographs and the interviews and narration (in English) tell the story beautifully. Some of the names, such as Mihailovich, Jibilian, Felman, Lalich, Vujnovich, and Musulin will be familiar to many of you. If you are not familiar with them or this important historical event, you should become so. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the rescue operations that took place in 1944.

Well worth your time and attention.

Aleksandra Rebic
September 2019


"Operation Halyard and the Forgotten 500"
Posted on YouTube by: "Greek Orthodox Christian Television"
Published on September 9, 2016

"How a few effete communist spies deceived the Allies into abandoning their Orthodox Christian allies during WW II & how America betrayed those Christians to the Godless Communist government of Yugoslavia, despite the heroic rescue of 500 American Airmen by those same Serbian Orthodox. -DEMETRIOS E. TROY is the voice of Major Richard L. Felman -For the full interview with O.S.S. officer Arthur Jibilian go to:

"Thank you to Vladimir Bibic. -To order the definitive book on the subject, written by Gregory A. Freeman go to:"


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Sunday, September 15, 2019

"The Forgotten 500" author Gregory A. Freeman attends Halyard Mission 75th Anniversary Commemoration in Pranjani, Serbia September 15, 2019 / "May the generosity of the Serbian people never be forgotten."

"Wonderful day at the village of Pranjani in Serbia celebrating the 75th anniversary of Operation Halyard, the subject of my book "The Forgotten 500". I presented [Serbia's] President Vucic and President of the Parliament Gojkovic with first editions of the book. Met many relatives of those rescued and those who aided the downed airmen, gave interviews, signed lots of books, donated books to the village school and church, and the day before I appeared on the Serbian equivalent of Good Morning America. Staying at the beautiful Hotel Moscow in Belgrade and enjoying this vibrant city."

Gregory A. Freeman
"The Forgotten 500"
September 15, 2019

Halyard Mission 75th Anniversary commemoration ceremony in the village of Pranjani, Serbia Sept. 15, 2019.
Photo courtesy of Gregory Freeman.

Author Gregory Freeman (right) presenting Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic with a first edition copy of his book about the Halyard Mission, The Forgotten 500, at the 75th Anniversary commemoration of Operation Halyard in the village of Pranjani, Serbia, September 15, 2019.
Photo courtesy of Gregory Freeman.

Gregory Freeman (left) presenting  a first edition copy of his book The Forgotten 500 to Serbia's Parliament President Gojkovic in honor of the Halyard Mission 75th Anniversary commemoration Sept. 15, 2019.
Photo courtesy of Greg Freeman.

Gregory Freeman (center) presenting  a first edition copy of his book The Forgotten 500 to the Ivo Andric School in Pranjani, Serbia in honor of the Halyard Mission 75th Anniversary commemoration Sept. 15, 2019.
Photo courtesy of Greg Freeman.

Forgotten 500 author Gregory Freeman (standing, center) with son of rescued airman (left), Milana "Mim" Bizic (center), and WWII Chetnik veteran who assisted the fallen airmen of the Halyard Mission rescue operation, at Pranjani, Serbia for the 75th Anniversary commemoration of Operation Halyard Sept. 15, 2019.
Photo courtesy of Gregory Freeman.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at


Friday, September 13, 2019



75th Anniversary Commemoration of Operation Halyard

2019 marks the 75th Anniversary of Operation Halyard, the rescue of over 500 US and allied airmen from behind enemy lines. The rescue took place from 9-10 August to 27 December 1944, from airfields established in rural areas of German occupied Serbia. The Halyard Mission Foundation is planning to commemorate the 75th anniversary on September 15, 2019, with its annual ceremony on Galovica Field, outside the village of Pranjani, Serbia.

Sunday September 15, 2019

0930: Arrival on Galovica Field, Pranjani, Serbia

1000-1100: Serbian President Vucic arrives - Wreath Laying Ceremony, Galovica Field

1000: Ambassador Greets President Vucic - Positions in line

1005-1010: National Anthems

1010-1020: Wreath Laying Ceremony

1020-1025: Welcome Remarks - John Cappello President, Halyard Mission Foundation

1025-1030: Remarks - Major General Kirk Smith Commander Special Operations Command, Europe

1030-1040: Remarks - Ambassador Kyle Scott US Ambassador to Serbia

1040-1055: Remarks - Aleksandar Vucic,  President of the Republic of Serbia

1130-1200: Church Service, Icon Viewing

1215-1345: Ivo Andric School - Cocktails, Children presentations

1215-1225: Walk-by school Halyard display and visit gymnasium

1225-1240: View student videos in gymnasium side room

1240-1315: Cocktails Outside in school yard

1315-1345: Presentations - Certificates / Family members that assisted U.S. /  Students

1415-2000: Community Picnic and Celebration of 75th Anniversary


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Ambasada SAD obeležava 75. godišnjicu OPERACIJE HALIJARD / "Glas Amerike" Sept. 12, 2019

Glas Amerike
Aleksandra Nenadović
September 12, 2019

Ambasada SAD obeležava 75. godišnjicu Operacije Halijard

Ambasada SAD i Fondacija Halijard će obeležiti 75. godišnjicu Operacije Halijard sa dva događaja koji će biti organizovani u Beogradu i Pranjanima, opština Gornji Milanovac, kako je najavila ambasada u saopštenju.

Sa otvaranja izložbe fotografija “Misija Halijard” u Narodnoj skupštini Srbije prošle godine, Foto: Video grab

Ambasador Kajl Skot otvoriti će izložbu „75. godišnjica spasilačke Misije Halijard“ u Univerzitetskoj biblioteci Svetozar Marković u petak, 13. septembra, u Beogradu. Izložba sadrži reprodukcije autentičnih fotografija i dokumenata iz Drugog svetskog rata i biće biti otvorena za javnost do 27. septembra.

U nedelju, 15. septembra, ambasador SAD će zajedno sa zvaničnicima Srbije i predstavnicima drugih savezničkih zemalja koje su uzele učešće u Operaciji Halijard obeležiti godišnjicu spasilačke misije u Pranjanina, opština Gornji Milanovac. Obeležavanje će početi polaganjem venaca i obraćanjem zvaničnika, a nastaviće se službom u lokalnoj crkvi, prijemom u Osnovnoj školi „Ivo Andrić“ u Pranjanima i koncertom orkestra Ratnog vazduhoplovstva SAD u Evropi.

Operacija Halijard je bila najveća operacija spasavanja oborenih američkih i savezničkih vazduhoplovaca ikada. Spašavanje je organizovano od avgusta do decembra 1944. godine sa pista napravljenih u ruralnim delovima okupirane Srbije. Preko 500 vazduhoplovaca je evakuisano iz Pranjana zahvaljujući nesebičnoj podršci srpskog naroda koji se brinuo o vazduhoplovcima i izgradio pistu kako bi omogućio njihovo spasavanje.

Potomci nekoliko spasenih američkih vazduhoplovaca će doputovati u svoju prvu posetu Srbiji kako bi se upoznali sa potomcima porodica koje su spasile njihove očeve, i učestvovali na obeležavanju godišnjice. Takodje, nekoliko visoko rangiranih vojnih zvaničnika SAD će učestvovati u dogadjajima da bi odali poštu nasledju hrabrih srpskih porodica.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
