Saturday, December 31, 2016

VIDEO / PROGNANI HEROJI - MIRKO VUKELIC / Interview in the Serbian Language with Predrag Rudovic - Niko / November 2016

Mr. Mirko Vukelic, a WWII Chetnik veteran, with Chetnik flags
at the General Mihailovich monument,
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery, Libertyville, IL.
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic July 17, 2016.

Aleksandra's Note: So thankful that as 2016 comes to an end, some of the old-timers are still with us. Mirko Vukelic is a proud, honorable, Serbian patriot who served in WWII, and though the war ended over 70 years ago, he has remained a Chetnik in his heart and soul, loyal to the memory and legacy of General Draza Mihailovich.

I've known Mirko since the early 1990s when he was out there on the streets of Chicago during the Serbian demonstrations protesting U.S. foreign policy in the former Yugoslavia, particularly in regards to the Serbs. Always standing tall, always warm and friendly, yet passionate and determined, Mirko has remained loyal and true all these years.

Very glad that Predrag Rudovic - Niko has captured this live interview with Mirko Vukelic this year. He's got a lot to say and he knows his history firsthand. The interview is in the Serbian language.

God bless you, Mirko, and may you remain among us for a long time to come.

Aleksandra Rebic



Posted on You Tube by: "TV Kanal EMIGRANT" Published on Nov 25, 2016


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Friday, December 30, 2016

Nazi hunter wants EU to "explain what's going on in Croatia" / "B92" [Tanjug] Dec. 15, 2016

December 15, 2016

Nazi hunter wants EU to "explain what's going on in Croatia"

Director of the Jerusalem-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, Efraim Zuroff, says the current situation regarding neo-fascism in Croatia is very bad.

Efraim Zuroff [Tanjug-file]
Zuroff has repeatedly warned about the rise of neo-fascism in Croatia, and now say he is not optimistic that the situation could change, except with "a real leadership" in that country.

He, however, noted that Croatia's President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic had her photograph taken while visiting Canada recently wrapped up in the Ustasha flag - and wondered, "what can one expect."

The Ustasha regime was in power in the Nazi-allied Independent State of Croatia (NDH), that existed from 1941 until 1945 and ran death camps for Serbs, Jews, and Roma, including in Jasenovac.

"That is the message that is being sent to the Croatian people. One can conclude either that she is nostalgic towards the Ustasha, or the wrong person for the job. Unfortunately," Zuroff has told Radio Free Europe.

Referring to the fact Croatia is a member of the EU, Zuroff added that he thought "someone in the European Union should wake up and explain what is going on in Croatia - because what is happening now in that country is truly unacceptable."

"I personally raise my voice against Nazism everywhere, but changes will be possible only when Croatian citizens themselves understand that these things are totally unacceptable," he said.

As for
the recent unveiling of a memorial plaque in Jasenovac that features the Ustasha greeting, "For home ready," Zuroff said he feels there is "no desire in Croatia to launch an investigation."

"Actually, there is no desire to do anything about that issue. This is a problem and it is a sad story. I doubt that any serious action will taken in the present circumstances. It is inconceivable that a memorial plaque like that is installed anywhere in Croatia, especially not in Jasenovac," said the Simon Wiesenthal Center director.

He explained that the greeting represents an insult to all those who lost their family members in Jasenovac, Jadovno or other Ustasha concentration camps in Croatia, and also to those that the Ustasha sent to Auschwitz.

"It is an insult to all those who have suffered under the Ustasha regime, which was one of the most blood thirsty in Eastern Europe during the Second World War," said Zuroff.

Asked "why there was no pressure from the West, from Brussels, Washington, or from Jerusalem," Zuroff said that Croatia itself "has a law against propagating Ustasha slogans."

"This can be prohibited and punished, but the government is afraid to do so. In Croatia today, there is a large number of people who believe that the cry of 'For home ready' is a great thing and that the Ustashas are God's gift to humanity. Many think that they were heroes who knew how to confront Croatian enemies and so they want them to come back," he said.

Otherwise, how would one explain (Catholic) mass that is served each year in the heart of Croatian capital Zagreb for the NDH leader, Ante Pavlovic, "one of the greatest mass murderers during the Second World War," asked Zuroff, adding that he would not be surprised if it happens again this December.

"Does Pavelic deserve mass? Of course not. It's a digrace," said Zuroff.

Asked "how come so many young people support the Ustasha idea," Zuroff replied that "it depends on the environment they grow up in and how they are brought up."

"Education has failed here as well, but also the political leadership of the democratic Croatia, particularly (former president) Franjo Tudjman. Although he fought against the Ustasha, and although his brother was killed by the Ustasha, and although he was a Partisan, he became a Croatian nationalist. He did this for political reasons, because he wanted to become president," said Zuroff.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Friday, December 23, 2016

Zuroff: Za mnoge u Hrvatskoj ustaše božji dar / "Radio Slobodna Evropa" Dec. 15, 2016

Radio Slobodna Evropa
Mirjana Rakela
December 15, 2016

Efraim Zuroff je povjesničar i direktor centra Simon Wiesenthal u Jeruzalemu. Gotovo četiri desetljeća je u potrazi je za osumnjičenim nacističkim zločincima, od Australije do Islanda, od Mađarske do Sjedinjenih Država. Njegove metode su, nedavno je napisao "Newsweek", ponekad kontroverzne, ali misija mu je jasna – privesti pravdi one koji su počinili najgore zločine u ljudskoj povijesti. Do sada je više puta upozoravao na oživljavanje ustaških emocija u Hrvatskoj.

 Efraim Zuroff
RSE: Umjesto da hrvatska vlada odmah ukloni spomenik Hrvatskim obrambenim snagama (HOS) u Jasenovcu na kojem je uklesen i ustaški pozdrav "Za dom spremni", premijer Andrej Plenković kaže da je to delikatno pitanje i najavljuje javnu raspravu o svim totalitarnim režimima. Da li je prema Vašem mišljenu vlada u Zagrebu spremna da se suprotstavi oživljavanju ustaštva?
Zuroff: Imam osjećaj da se ne želi pokrenuti istraga. Zapravo ne želi se ništa raditi po tom pitanju. To je problem i to je jedna tužna priča. Sumnjam da će se bilo kakva ozbiljna akcija poduzeti u sadašnjim okolnostima. Nezamislivo je da se bilo gdje u Hrvatskoj postavlja takva spomen-ploča, pogotovo ne u Jasenovcu.

"Za dom spremni" je uvreda svima koji su izgubili obitelj i rođake u Jasenovcu, Jadovnu ili drugim ustaškim koncentracijskim logorima u Hrvatskoj, kao i onima koji se ustaše poslale u Auschwitz. To je uvreda za sve koji su patili pod ustaškim režimom, koji je bio jedan od najkrvoločnijih u istočnoj Europi tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata.

Sporna spomen-ploča u Jasenovcu
RSE: Zašto izostaje pritisak sa Zapada, iz Bruxellesa, Washingtona, Jeruzelama?
Zuroff: Pa i u samoj Hrvatskoj postoji zakon koji zabranjuje propagiranje ustaških slogana. To može biti zabranjeno i kažnjeno, ali se vlada plaši da to uradi. U Hrvatskoj danas imate veliki broj ljudi koji smatraju da je uzvik "Za dom spremni" sjajna stvar i da su ustaše božji dar čovječanstvu. Mnogi misle da su oni bili heroji koji su se znali suprotstaviti hrvatskim neprijateljima i zato žele da se oni ponovno vrate.
Kako objasniti da se u srcu Zagreba svake godine održava misa za Antu Pavelića, jednog od najvećih masovnih ubojica tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, a ne bi me iznenadilo da se to dogodi i ovog prosinca. Da li Pavelić zaslužuju takvu misu? Naravno da ne. To je sramota!
RSE: Zašto onda jedan broj mladih u Hrvatskoj smatra da su ustaše bili "dobri momci", a ne zločinci?
Zuroff: To ovisi i o tome u kakvim su domovima odrasli i odgojeni. Kada sam bio angažiran da se Dinko Šakić, jedan od komandira konc logora u Jasenovcu, izvede pred lice pravde krajem 90-ih, bilo je mnogo onih koji su smatrali da je on heroj. Željeli su da bude oslobođen odgovornosti i postavljen na pijedestal. Zašto? Jer su oni potjecali iz fašističkih obitelji, imali isu fašistički mentalitet i nostalgiju za fašizmom.
Tu je zakazalo obrazovanje, ali i političko vodstvo demokratske Hrvatske, posebno Franjo Tuđman. Iako se on borio protiv ustaša, i iako su mu ustaše ubile brata, i iako je bio partizan, on je postao hrvatski nacionalist. To je uradio zbog političkih razloga jer je želio postati predsjednik.​
Zakazalo je obrazovanje i političko vodstvo demokratske Hrvatske: Efraim Zuroff
(na slici: marš pripadnika Hrvatske Domoljubne Desnice, Vukovar)
RSE: Nadate li se da bi u Hrvatskoj ipak moglo biti pomaka nabolje u demokratskom smislu?
Zuroff: Nisam optimističan, iako to ne znači da se stvari ne mogu promijeniti. To može postići pravo vodstvo zemlje.
RSE: A da li ste čuli da se nedavno hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović ispričala djeci u Dubrovniku jer je među poklonima koje je dijelila u vrtiću bila i čokoladica proizvedena u Srbiji?
Zuroff: To je ista ona predsjednica koja se nedavno fotografirala sa ustaškom zastavom u Kanadi. Pa što onda očekujete? To je poruka koja se šalje hrvatskom narodu. Što se može zaključiti – ili je ona nostalgična prema ustašama, ili je kriva osoba za taj posao. Nažalost.
Sadašnja situacija u Hrvatskoj mi se čini lošom. Mislim da bi se netko u Europskoj uniji trebao probuditi i pozvati Bruxelles i objasniti što se događa u Hrvatskoj, jer ovo je uistinu neprihvatljivo. Osobno svuda podižem glas protiv nacizma, ali promjene su moguće kada građani Hrvatske sami shvate da su ovakve stvari potpuno neprihvatljive.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Celebrating St. Nicholas - Sveti Nikola / The Patron Saint of General Draza Mihailovich!

General Mihailovich celebrating his Krsna Slava - Patron Saint Day
St. Nicholas - Sveti Nikola December 19, 1943

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day - Sveti Nikola
By Father Rodney Torbic
December 19, 2016

[December 19] is St. Nicholas Day…Sveti Nikola! This day, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas draws believers to Christ. St. Nicholas sets an example of following Christ.

Churches around the world are dedicated to St. Nicholas.Churches around the world proclaim the virtues of St. Nicholas. Christians are drawn to St. Nicholas and seek his intercession.

Countless Serbian Orthodox Christians identify with St.Nicholas as their family patronal saint. Numerous Christians bear the name of Nicholas. Today is a special day in the Holy Orthodox Church.

Families are often present in the Divine Liturgy on St. Nicholas Day. Believers celebrating this day as their Slava will honor St.Nicholas in special ways. Living and departed family members will beprayerfully remembered.

Believers view St. Nicholas in his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Countless believers trace their Christian identity in their family having put on Christ on St. Nicholas Day.

St. Nicholas Day is a day of joy. St. Nicholas Day is a message of Christian joy. Individuals seeking to nourish their souls will learnand draw strength from St. Nicholas.

Believers seeking to strengthen their Christian identity will regularly celebrate St. Nicholas Day. The world is a very busy place. Increasingly church attendance is being pushed aside in society.

Individuals taking time to come to the Divine Liturgy on St. Nicholas Day draw strength and nourishment from Christ. Coming to church on St. Nicholas Day is a way to honor the sacrifices of believers through the centuries.

Faithful believers through the centuries carried Christ in their hearts. They carried their love for St. Nicholas with them. Christians everywhere embrace St. Nicholas.

Centuries have passed. Remembering St. Nicholas has not diminished. In all parts of the world and on continents across the globe, churches are erected in honor of St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas lived in Christ far away in space and time. He lives today in hearts, minds, and God’s Holy Church. Let us give abundant thanks to God for the living and lasting example of St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Carmichaels, Pennsylvania.
December 6/19, 2016. St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker.
Father Rodney Torbic

St. Nicholas - Sveti Nikola icon


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at


Croat president apologizes for handing out Serbian chocolate / "B92" [Beta] Dec. 8, 2016

December 8, 2016

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has apologized for handing out chocolate made in Serbia to kindergarten children in the town of Dubrovnik.

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic - Tanjug file
She added she was "herself unpleasantly surprised."

"We will apologize to parents, we will replace the chocolate with Croatian products," Grabar-Kitarovic said, when asked to comment on Tuesday's "case," Beta is reporting, quoting N1.

According to media reports, the Croatian president was handing out the chocolate along with her photographs, on the anniversary of the conflict with the JNA (Yugoslav People's Army) in Dubrovnik.

But the discovery of Serbian chocolate "made some parents protest."

Grabar-Kitarovic on Wednesday said she "did not personally check the content of the packages distributed to children."

"I am very disappointed because I personally advocate and support the campaign, 'let's buy Croatian'. Products that were not Croatian-made, and that are in the Croatian market, found their way to that package. Croatia's president must incentivize Croatian products, and that will not happen again," she said, adding that "it has been determined a Croatian company from Vukovar packaged those packages."


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Хари Потер "рођен" подно "Равне горе" / "Novosti" Dec. 4, 2016

В. Црњански Спасојевић
04. децембар 2016.

Хари Потер "рођен" подно "Равне горе"

Необичан хотел у центру Лондона мири туристе из Србије и Хрватске. У комшилуку Џоан К. Роулинг, ауторка светског бестселера.

Необичан хотел у центру Лондона
НА чувеном Нотинг хилу, у Лондону, на само 100 метара од капије која крије огромно имање Џоан Роулинг, ауторке "Харија Потера", налази се хотел неочекиваног имена - "Равна гора". Адреса је Холанд парк авенија 29.
Хотел је власништво Покрета српских четника Равне горе у Великој Британији, а свечану врпцу на отварању пресекао је лично, још 1958. године, краљ Петар, у друштву војводе Момчила Ђујића и епископа Дионисија. Епископ ће неку годину касније постати први човек Слободне српске православне цркве, која се овде звала расколничка, а раскол је превазиђен у време патријарха Павла.
У холу хотела налазе се слике краља Петра Другог, генерала Драже Михаиловића, као и четничких војвода Ђујића и Доброслава Јевђевића. Због атрактивне локације и више него пристојних цена за такво место (ноћење се креће између 75 и 95 фунти), у хотелу одседају људи из целог света, па и из бивше Југославије. Недавно су хрватски медији објавили да "Равна гора" постаје једна од пожељнијих дестинација за туристе и из њихове земље.
Управник је већ десетак година Мирослав Веселиновић, пореклом из Книнске Крајине, који ово здање води са супругом Мелитом, иначе Бачванком.
- Наши гости долазе буквално из свих земаља, од Јапана, до Канаде, а највише има Норвежана. Од житеља из бивших југословенских република најбројнији су, наравно, Срби. Тачно је да у последње време долазе све чешће и Хрвати - каже Веселиновић за "Новости".
С времена на време могу се срести и Словенци, како у холу пролазе поред Дражине и Ђујићеве слике. Пре неколико година ту су Нову годину славили и потомци словеначког четничког војводе триглавског Уроша Шуштерича и њихови пријатељи.
По Веселиновићевим речима, Покрет српских четника Равне горе има у Британији још два хотела - један у Бирмингему, "Динара", и други у Лестеру, "Тромеђа". У Канади, Америци и Аустралији имају имања, хале, спортске терене...
Зграда, иначе, није купљена да буде хотел, већ Дом "Дража Михаиловић", за смештај чланова Покрета. Накнадно је претворена у дестинацију за туристе, да би Покрет од прихода могао да се издржава.
Чланови Покрета углавном су били припадници Динарске четничке дивизије, а данас су ту улогу преузели њихови потомци. Покрет је током деведесетих слао огромну хуманитарну помоћ Србима, нарочито избеглицама и рањеницима у Крајини, јер је Динарска дивизија пореклом из Книнске Крајине.
Милослав Самарџић, публициста и власник часописа "Погледи", одсео је у "Равној гори" четири пута.
- Изненадио сам се кад сам схватио да се хотел налази у делу Лондона где све некретнине имају милионску вредност, на само 15 минута лагане шетње од Хајд парка. Врло близу је и Трафалгар сквер. Сам центар града. Знам да долазе људи из бивших југословенских република, и не чуди ме што има и Хрвата. Када сам био гост Покрета четника Равне горе Немачка, повели су ме у један хрватски ресторан, на ручак. На моје изненађено "зашто", одговорили су: "Зато што се са Хрватима боље разумемо него са Немцима". Међунационалне разлике тамо нису толико изражене као код нас - каже Самарџић.
Он је, такође, дошао до писма Момчила Ђујића члановима Покрета, 1956. године, којим их обавештава да су купили Дом у Лондону, где ће бити смештен главни центар за рад у Европи. Тиме је, како се наводи, спроведена у дело одлука са седнице Главне управе организације за Енглеску, из октобра 1956.

За куповину зграде формиран је посебан одбор, који је нашао подесну локацију и платио је 15.000 фунти, које су сакупили чланови Покрета. Планирано је да у згради буде смештена канцеларија Покрета, читаоница, библиотека, ресторан, бар, собе за госте и преноћишта за чланове који долазе у Лондон, као и апартман за краља, чланове краљевске породице и угледне "српске народне прваке кад долазе у Енглеску и Лондон".


"САМА зграда налази се недалеко од нашег српског храма у Лондону и делова града у којем су насељени Срби. Зграда је сасвим, са три стране, одвојена од осталих зграда улицама. Има мали парк на улазу до главне улице, а исто тако и у позадини парк, који је дели од комшијског имања. Лице зграде, са лепим терасама, окренуто је према чувеном Холанд парк авенија и чини изванредно леп изглед. Овај спомен-дом ђенерала Драже у Лондону представља најлепше српско имање у Европи, изван наше поробљене отаџбине. Он ће служити српским борцима као ослонац и упориште у њиховој даљој борби за слободу и уједињење српства", написао је 1956. војвода Ђујић.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Wiesenthal Center Denounces Plaque With Ustasha Slogan in Town of Jasenovac, Site of Mass Murder by Ustasha / "Simon Wiesenthal Center" Dec. 6, 2016

Simon Wiesenthal Center
December 6, 2016

Wiesenthal Center Denounces Plaque With Ustasha Slogan in Town of Jasenovac, Site of Mass Murder by Ustasha

Jerusalem – The Simon Wiesenthal Center today denounced the use of an Ustasha (Croatian fascist) slogan on a memorial plaque to Croatian soldiers who fell in the 90s, in the village of Jasenovac, site of the largest concentration camp in the Balkans, where close to 100,000 Serbs, Jews, Roma, and anti-fascist Croatians were murdered by the Ustasha.

In a statement issued here today by its director for Eastern European affairs, Dr. Efraim Zuroff, the Center noted that the use of slogans which incite to violence is forbidden by Croatian law, and that Za dom spremni (for the Homeland, ready) was an integral part of the propaganda accompanying the Ustasha genocidal campaigns against Serbs, Jews and Roma.

According to Zuroff:

"It is hard to believe that an incendiary slogan like Za dom spremni can be publicly displayed in a country which is a member of the European Union. Such slogans are an insult to the survivors of the Ustasha terror and part of an attempt to distort the history of World War II and the Holocaust, turning perpetrators into heroes."

For additional information please contact the Israel Office of the Wiesenthal Center, 972-2-563-1274 or 972-50-721-4156,  join the Center on Facebook,, or follow @simonwiesenthal or @EZuroff for news updates sent direct to your Twitter feed.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the OAS, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino).


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at



December 6, 2016


People lay flower wreaths at the Jasenovac camp, known as "Croatia's Auschwitz", situated about 100 kilometres southeast of Zagreb (AFP Photo/)

Zagreb (AFP) - The Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Centre on Tuesday condemned a pro-Nazi slogan on a memorial plaque in a small Croatian town that housed a notorious World War II death camp.
Former paramilitaries placed the plaque in central Jasenovac to honour 11 fellow fighters killed in the area at the start of Croatia's 1990s independence war.
It carries the official emblem of the HOS paramilitary forces, which includes the slogan used by the country's WWII Ustasha regime.
"It is hard to believe that an incendiary slogan like 'Za dom spremni' ('For the Homeland ready') can be publicly displayed in a country which is a member of the European Union," the centre's top Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff said in a statement.
"Such slogans ... are part of an attempt to distort the history of WWII and the Holocaust, turning perpetrators into heroes."
The existence of the plaque -- put in place by HOS veterans in November -- has only just emerged via local media.
Conservative Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said it was "certainly delicate that such a memorial was put in Jasenovac".
But, he added that it was an emblem of an officially registered association.
The issue "shows that we did not set up an adequate legal framework ... regarding totalitarian regimes," Plenkovic said, pledging to seek for a "legal solution."
The Ustasha regime persecuted and killed hundreds of thousands of ethnic Serbs, Jews, Roma and anti-fascist Croatians.
The Jasenovac camp, about 100 kilometres (60 miles) southeast of the capital Zagreb, was known as "Croatia's Auschwitz".
The total number of people killed at the camp remains disputed, varying from tens of thousands to 700,000, according to Serbian figures.
Croatia's previous centre-right government, which fell in June, was accused by critics of turning a blind eye to a far-right surge in the country, including nostalgia for a pro-Nazi past.
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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

6. децембра. 1941. године, јединице 342. дивизије надиру ка Равној Гори, а Струганик је први на удару. Ту се, у Мишићевој кући, налазио и пуковник Дража Михаиловић са штабом.

 na Facebook

6. децембра. 1941. године, јединице 342. дивизије надиру ка Равној Гори, а Струганик је први на удару. Ту се, у Мишићевој кући, налазио и пуковник Дража Михаиловић са штабом.

У рану зору нико није приметио опкољавање, све док није било касно. Кад су четници приметили Немце, ови су већ били на стотинак метара од куће. Пуковник Михаиловић је са људством искочио кроз прозор куће и повлачио се ка шуми. Као тежак срчани болесник, Александар Мишић је почео да заостаје, да би после неколико стотина метара посустао. И поред Дражиног бодрења, није могао даље. С њим је остао и мајор Иван Фрегл, који није могао да се одвоји од свог команданта. Како би бар некако заштитили Дражу и обезбедили му мало времена за бекство, изашли су пред Немце у униформама. Александар Мишић се представио као пуковник Дража Михаиловић, Немци су због црвених официрских ревера на капуту поверовали, па су накратко обуставили гоњење. То је Дражи и његовим људима дало времена да измакну и спасу се.

Након хапшења немци су покушали да врбују Александра да ради за немачку обавештајну службу “Абвер“, убеђујући га да је он по мајци Немац и да у њему тече пола немачке крви.

На то им је Александар одговорио: “Ту половину ваше крви сте ми источили на Колубари“, пише у својој књизи пуковник Живојиновић и додаје да је после тог неуспелог врбовања Александар Мишић, као и мајор Иван Фрегл, стрељан 18. децембра 1941. године.

Занимљиво је додати, да је у тренутку стрељања, Мишић скинуо чизму и гађао стрељачки вод, а мајор Фергл је командовао стрељачким водом по сопственој жељи!

Образ нема цену, слава херојима!


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


VIDEO / U.S. House Unanimously Passes Legislation to Honor OSS Veterans with Congressional Gold Medal! Passage applauded by legislation authors, Congressman Latta, Senator Blunt, and Senator Warner / Press Release Nov. 30, 2016

Aleksandra's Note: I sure wish OSS veterans George "Guv" Musulin, Arthur "Jibby" Jibilian, Nick Lalich and others were alive to see this!

A great step forward in "official recognition" of rescue operations such as the HALYARD MISSION in WWII Yugoslavia which was made possible by General Draza Mihailovich, his Chetniks, and the Serbian people loyal to them.


Aleksandra Rebic


Press Release:
Washington, November 30, 2016 | Drew Griffin

House Passes Legislation to Honor OSS Veterans with Congressional Gold Medal

Passage applauded by legislation authors, Congressman Latta, Senator Blunt, and Senator Warner

Legislation to honor veterans of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) with a Congressional Gold Medal passed the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously in a vote this evening. The bill, S. 2234, recognizes the members of the intelligence agency for their “superior service and major contributions during World War II.” Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH) introduced companion legislation, H.R. 3929, in the House earlier this Congress. The Senate bill was introduced by Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Mark Warner (D-VA).
Congressman Latta with OSS Veterans and their families
The OSS, the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency, conducted critical operations during the war including establishing intelligence networks, training resistance organizations throughout Europe and Asia, and carrying out “mercy missions” at the end of the WWII to save the lives of thousands of Allied prisoners of war. Since the legislation previously passed the Senate, the bill will now head to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

“Honoring veterans of the OSS with a Congressional Gold Medal will ensure that their heroic actions during one of our country’s most trying times will not be forgotten,” said Congressman Latta. “The clandestine nature of the OSS often meant members had to operate behind enemy lines in situations calling for unquestionable bravery and unparalleled skill. Their actions played an important role in winning the war and saved countless American lives in the process.”

“The members of the OSS saved thousands of lives during World War II. From establishing intelligence networks deep behind enemy lines to bolstering resistance organizations throughout Europe and Asia, these intelligence officers played a critical role in securing the Allied victory,” said Senator Blunt. "I urge the president to sign this bill so we can move forward in officially recognizing the heroic efforts of the OSS members with the Congressional Gold Medal.”

“For many years, the heroic contributions of the OSS – which included some of the most daring covert operations of World War II — remained shrouded in secrecy, their impact largely unknown to the American public. Today, Congress is able to publicly recognize the members of the OSS for their remarkable heroism and many sacrifices,” said Senator Warner. “As the predecessor to the modern CIA, other elements of the U.S. intelligence community, and U.S. special operations forces, the OSS once boasted nearly 13,000 members, but more than 70 years after they won the war, fewer than 100 are still with us. I know how much it means to the veterans of the OSS, as well as their families, that this legislation is finally making its way to the President’s desk to be signed into law. Today, Congress has ensured that their courage of spirit and their love of country will long live on in our nation’s memory.”

The OSS was created in 1942 under the leadership of General William J. Donovan to better coordinate and oversee American intelligence operations. At it’s peak, 13,000 members served in the OSS including notable names such as Julia Child, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., John Ford, and James Donovan, who was depicted in the 2015 movie, Bridge of Spies. OSS veterans and their family members were present in the House gallery when the legislation was approved.

Congressman Latta spoke in favor of the bill on the House floor.


Latta: Honor OSS Veterans with Congressional Gold Medal

Posted on You Tube by: "CongressmanBobLatta"
Published on Nov 30, 2016
Congressman Bob Latta speaks on the House floor in favor of legislation he authored to honor veterans of the Office of Strategic Services with a Congressional Gold Medal. The bill passed unanimously.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
