Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 21, 2018


Ovih dana putem facebook mreže šire se navodno novootkriveni detalji o zarobljavanju generala Mihailovića. Vest o nekakvom dokumentu američke tajne službe, o kojoj su već pisali švajcarski i neki američki mediji, pronašla je slovenačka „Nova 24 TV“ (?) i nije ništa drugo do malo prepakovana verzija zarobljavanja generala Mihailovića avio desantom, koju je 16. avgusta 1946. objavio lokalni švajcarski list Žurnal D` Iverdon, na osnovu navodnog pisma navodnog svedoka događaja majora Miloša Markovića.

Savremenaistorija je o toj verziji objavila više članaka, koji su pokazali svu nelogičnost i manjkavost verzije koju već duže vreme pokušava da ozvaniči publicista i novinar Miloslav Samardžić. Jedan od tih članaka pod naslovom “Zarobljavanje generala Mihailovića – mašta radi svašta” objavili smo 4. septembra 2017. (, drugi nešto ranije 29. januara 2017. pod naslovom “Miloš Marković nije mogao biti autor pisma” ( upravo u cilju objašnjenja apsurdnosti ove verzije. Iz tog razloga preneli smo i tekst istoričara dr Bojana Dimitrijevića “Nikola Kalabić između Čiče i Krcuna”, objavljen 28. juna 2017. ( želeći da reagujemo na kvazi teorije o ovom događaju.

I uspeli smo da dokažemo da major Marković nije mogao biti svedok događaja pa ni autor pomenutog pisma (što sada bez trunke samokritike prihvata i Samardžić ), da ukažemo na niz nelogičnosti u toj vesti koju je na Zapad najverovatnije proturila Uprava za državnu bezbednost:

“UDB je više vodila računa da pismo bude objavljeno, kako bi dospjelo u javnost, nego što je vodila računa o njegovom sadržaju, u kome je opisan ovaj nevjerovatan događaja. Autoru ili autorima bilo je izgleda jedino važno da se u pismu ne pominje ime njihovog saradnika, uz čiju pomoć se i domogla Mihailovića.” (

E zato je trebao “pronađeni dokument” koji su navodno “istražujući slučaj (?) pronašli novinari slovenačke “Nove 24 TV”?, a ekspresno preneli online “Pogledi”, ubacujući u priču nekakav Mihailovićev tim lekara i po svoj prilici umesto majora Markovića, kapetana Vuka Kalaitovića.

Zaista nema kraja ili ga ima na nekoj livadi, koju je tokom prošle jeseni revnosno tražio autor najavljenog filma o avio desantu na Mihailovića marta 1946. u okolini Rudog…

Zamislite da se Slovenačka „Nova 24 TV“ bavi istraživanjem događaja  – Zrobljavanja generala Mihailovića –  i da njeni istraživači pronađu ili dobiju,  nekakav dokument, čiji tekst umnogome podseća na svojevremeno izraubovanu spektakularno objavljenu vest iz lista Žurnal D` Iverdon,  pod naslovom “Kako su Titovi partizani uhvatili generala Mihailovića“, koju su svojevremeno  u svojim izdanjima kragujevački “Pogledi” proglasili kao ključni dokaz da Nikola Kalabić nije učestvovao u izdaji generala Mihailovića.
Čudna koincidencija, jer su online „Pogledi“ ekspresno preuzeli vest sa slovenačke “Nove 24 TV“ i najavili dokumentarni film o ovom svojevrsnom spektakularnom vazdušnodesantnom „hvatanju“ generala Mihailovića. A razlika ima:
Jedna od njih je što se više ne pominje major Miloš Marković kao autor pisma u pomenutom švajcarskom listu već je u priču ubačen Vuk Kalitović, pa je čini se i zbog toga bio potreban nekakav „novi dokument” ovog puta američke obaveštajne službe. Ništa neobično kada je u pitanju autor rubrike „Bitka za Kalabića“, koji evo već dvadesetak godina piše verzije o zarobljavanju generala Mihailovića. (počevši od verzije mesta zarobljavanja negde u predelu Čajetine)
Svojevremeno smo reagovali na objavu vesti ili navodnog pisma majora Markovića u pomenutom lokalnom švajcarskom listu i dokazali da on nije mogao biti njegov autor, odnosno da je cela priča izmišljena u cilju prikrivanja UDB- inog zaštićenog svedoka učesnika akcije zarobljavanja  generala Mihailovića:
“Pismo koje je švajcarski list Žurnal D` Iverdon objavio 16. avgusta 1946. godine pod naslovom “Kako su Titovi partizani uhvatili generala Mihailovića“, koje  govori o kidnapovanju generala Mihailovića, a čiji  je navodni autor major Miloš Marković, ratni komandant Požeškog korpusa, puno je  nelogičnosti i apsurda, tako da ozbiljan istraživač već na prvi pogled uviđa da se radi o nevještom pokušaju, najvjerovatnije  Uprave za državnu bezbjednosti FNRJ, da na Zapad proturi priču, koja je imala jasan cilj i trebala da postigne očekivani efekat.” (“Major Miloš Marković nije mogao biti autor pisma”: (
Pošto je bilo očigledno da major Marković nije mogao biti autor pomenutog pisma ovaj put se on izbacuje iz priče (kako bez trunke samokritike piše Samardžić), a u verziju “novog-starog” dokumenta ili događaja ubacuje se kapetan Vuk Kalaitović…što znači “puj pike nevaži” igra se nastavlja, nema veze ko je svedok,  a neko mora biti.
“A major Miloš Marković,  oficir vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije, u vrijeme zarobljavanja generala Mihailovića, zimu 1945/1946. godine proveo je osamljen, skrivajući se u jednoj pećini u predjelu sela Visoka iznad Arilja, upućen samo na dva jataka: Pavla Nikolića i Žarka Matovića, koji su mu bili jedina veza sa svijetom. Boraveći u skučenom prostoru pećine on nije mogao vidjeti ništa dalje od predjela planinskog sela Visoka, niti  čuti  nešto više od onoga što su mu mogli reći pomenuti jataci.” (
U ovoj (ko zna kojoj po redu) novo-staroj verziji ne pominje se ni radio veza i hvatanje signala od strane Engleza, već se u priču ubacuju lekari (znači više njih – kolegijum?) u okruženju Mihailovića od kojih jedan posle zarobljavanja otkrio njegovu lokaciju?
Ako je i od Slovenaca, odnosno “Pogleda” puno je.
Da podsetimo čitaoce prenosimo nekoliko citata iz pomenutog članka, koji su dati u smislu reagovanja na verziju: Kako je zarobljen Draža (
A evo nekoliko citata iz pomenutog članka u vezi objavljene vesti iz švajcarskog lista kao “krunskog dokaza”, koja je doduše malo korigovana u “verziji” novog dokumenta slovenačke “Nove 24 TV”(odnosno online “Pogleda”)
1. „Marković kaže”[7]: „Februara meseca 1946. godine, general Mihailović se teško razboleo od tifusa. Bio je sa svojim štabom u okolini mesta Rudo. Jedne noći smo primetili savezničke – engleske avione, koji su bacali letke na kojima je pisalo da dolaze da nam pomognu u oružju i municiji…“
1.1. Pa, zar neko može povjerovati da je general Mihailović u zimu 1945/46 držao prostor – „slobodnu teritoriju“ na koju su se iz vazduha mogli baciti letci, a da ne dođu u posjed pripadnika milicije na terenu, da ne pričamo o doušnicima i dr. logistici angažovanoj na „otkrivanje i hvatanje Mihailovića?“
A sada i tim lekara?
2. „Marković kaže:“ „Mi smo im označili mesto sletanja i videli smo kako iz njih izlaze ljudi obučeni u englesku oficirsku uniformu. Proverom njihovih dokumenata utvrdili smo da se zaista radi o saveznicima. Odveli smo ih u Glavni štab – kod generala Mihailovića. Pošto su primetili da je general teško oboleo i u vrlo zabrinjavajućem zdravstvenom stanju, predložili su da ga prebace sa užom pratnjom u Italiju na lečenje. Pošto se general Mihailović saglasio sa predlogom, jer nije imao izbora obzirom na zdravstveno stanje, njega i dva oficira iz njegove pratnje smestili su u jedan avion, dok su u ostala dva aviona smestili još osam oficira iz njegove pratnje. Avioni su uzleteli i nastavili put.“
2.1. U okolini Rudog gdje su se navodno avioni spustili, ne postoji, niti je bilo takve lokacije, koja bi mogla prihvatiti  avione, koji se po ovoj priči „parkiraju“ čekaju identifikacionu provjeru za ljude u engleskim uniformama zatim ishod razgovora sa Mihailovićem, a po prijemu putnika bez problema uzlijeću, sa uzletišta koje obezbjeđuju Mihailovićeve snage. Sve i da je tako,  nemoguće je, da bi avio akcija takvih razmjera bila neprimjećena  od strane mještana, a posebno njen padobranski desant, koji je uslijedio.
3. „Marković kaže“: Odmah zatim, stigle su još dve eskadrile Titovih partizana, koji su počeli da bacaju male bombe sa bojnim otrovom, a padobranima su se spustili partizani, sa gas maskama na licu. Jedinice generala Mihailovića koje nisu bile u zoni dejstva bojnog otrova otpočele su sa partizanima borbu. Sa obe strane pale su mnoge žrtve, ali kako je partizanima ubrzo stiglo pojačanje motorizovanih jedinica iz Priboja, Mihailovićeve snage su morale da se povuku. Bilo je očigledno da su i prva tri aviona pripadala Titovim partizanima i da je general kidnapovan. Avioni koji su ga odneli spustili su se u Sarajevo, a zatim krenuli za Beograd.”
3.1. Nevjerovatno! Ali ovo  je i danas teško izvodljiva akcija, čak i za američki “delta odred”. Treba opet napomenuti da ovo niko u cijelom ruđanskom kraju ne pamti, a bar bi neko ovakav “džumbus” vidio  pamtio i pričao o njemu, pričao o padobrancima, bojnim otrovima, motorizovanim kolonama iz Priboja i tolikom broju mrtvih. A tek podatak da general Mihailović u to vrijeme raspolaže sa jedinicama…
Sada je ova verzija malo korigovana, jer je u ovoj priči uočeno dosta nelogičnosti, pa je tako ubačen lekar, koji otkriva mesto skrivanja generala Mihailovića, koga sada nadleću avioni sa savezničkim oznakama zbog kontakta…
A general Mihailović, marta 1946. bez radio stanice sa dvojicom ličnih pratioca i nekolicinom lokalnih pripadnika Višegradske brigade JVuO na čelu sa Budimirom Gajićem  i komandantom brigade majorom Dragišom Vasiljevićem provodi dane u proširenom trapu dvorišta kuće u selu Repuševići, koju koristi izbeglica iz Kočarima (Rogatica) Mile Knežević. I to je  priča, ne komunistička već između ostalog i onih četnika i jataka koji su po cenu svog i života svojih najbližih brinuli o generalu do njegovog poslednjeg dana slobode…
Poenta objavljene vesti koju su ekspresno preneli “Pogledi” je najava dokumentarnog filma o ovom događaju. Ono što je poznato je da je gospodin Samardžić, prošle jeseni uporno tražio bilo kakvu poljanu u okolini Rudog, koja bi u najavljenom filmu bila prikazana kao mesto desanta.
Još uvek mašta radi svašta!


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Fremont man [Arthur Jibilian - Halyard Mission] among WW II heroes awarded Congressional Gold Medal / [Daughter Debi credits General Mihailovich!] / "Fremont News Messenger" March 22, 2018

Fremont man among WW II heroes awarded Congressional Gold Medal

Fremont News Messenger
March 22, 2018
Craig Shoup

Former Ohio governor George Voinovich and O.S.S. Radioman Arthur Jibilian.
(Photo: Submitted)

WASHINGTON - A Fremont man was posthumously honored, along with other World War II heroes, with the highest award bestowed on civilians for their bravery in rescuing 500 airmen from Nazi-controlled Yugoslavia.

Art "Jibby" Jibilian, a World War II veteran who lived in Fremont from 1978 until he died eight years ago, was among the names honored Wednesday with the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian medal given by the United States.

U.S. Reps. Bob Latta and Marcy Kaptur spoke at the ceremony held in Emancipation Hall at the U.S. Capitol.

Jibilian's daughter, Debi Jibilian, said she is so proud to see this recognition for her father, who for years did not tell the family of his heroism.

"He never said anything about it," Debi said. "He went all those years not talking about it to help protect it and keep it secret."

The events that took place in Yugoslavia in during the Operation Halyard mission in 1944 spawned a book and was even discussed as the subject for a major motion picture movie.

In August 1944, the first wave of airmen were rescued by Allies, with subsequent rescue missions taking place in the following months.

Debi said she is happy the story finally got out because she knew her father was a hero.

She also credited General Draza Mihailovich, a Serbian guerrilla who was fighting the Nazis, for playing a major role in the rescue.

"We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Serbs," Debi said. "Without Mihailovich, this wouldn't have happened."

Debi said the award to the heroes is vindication for the role Mihailovich played in helping Americans make it home from the war.

Jibilian, a radioman, was a key character in the 2008 book "The Forgotten 500," written by Gregory A. Freeman, who researched declassified documents of the rescue to shed light on the challenges the heroes faced.

Freeman said the mission was one of the greatest ever, with Allied forces having rescued all 500 airmen who had been trapped behind enemy lines.

"The mission was a complete success — the kind that should have been trumpeted in news reels and on the front page," Freeman said on his website.

Freeman writes about the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS, the precursor to the CIA, discovering the airmen being down behind enemy lines, all trapped at various times, and began planning a rescue mission.

Debi Jibilian lays to rest the remains of her father Art "Jibby" Jibilian
at Arlington National Cemetery. (Photo: Submitted)

The rescue was made possible because of the local Serbs who helped keep the airmen safe and out of German hands, feeding them with goats' milk and bread, Freeman notes.

Americans, like Jibilian, who was 20 when he was drafted into the Navy in 1943, were sent in C-47 cargo plans to land behind enemy lines in Yugoslavia and rescue the airmen.

"Even more significant is there was no loss of plane or life from the mission," Debi said. "The credit for no loss goes to the Tuskegee Airmen, who were on a secret mission and didn't even know what they were doing. These 'Red Tails' engaged the Germans about 20 miles away while the cargo plane whisked the airmen away. What a tremendous feat."

A single gold medal has been struck to collectively honor the members of the OSS.

Debi said the official Congressional Gold Medal will be housed at the Smithsonian, but that a replica medal would be given to families of those involved.
Twitter: @CraigShoupNH


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


2 Toledo-area WWII vets awarded Congressional Gold Medal [Arthur "Jibby" Jibilian of the Halyard Mission!] / "The Toledo Blade" March 21, 2018

A Congressional Gold Medal is displayed before the start of a ceremony honoring the Office of Strategic Services in Emancipation Hall on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 21, 2018. Photo: Associated Press.

Arthur Jibilian 2009

The Toledo Blade
March 21, 2018
Blade Staff

2 Toledo-area WWII vets awarded Congressional Gold Medal

Two World War II veterans with Toledo ties were posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal on Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

The ceremony honored the 13,000 members of the Office of Strategic Services — the CIA forerunner — from all branches of the military. Included in the honor were former Toledoans U.S. Navy radio operator Art Jibilian and U.S. Army Cpl. Anthony Rogowski, who was the uncle of U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo).

"Like Tony, many of these extraordinary Americans went unrecognized until today," Miss Kaptur said.

Mr. Jibilian grew up in Toledo and died of leukemia at age 86 in 2010 at his Fremont home. He and two others parachuted into Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia in 1944 to coordinate a rescue for 513 downed U.S. airmen during World War II. The Tuskegee Airmen — the Red Tails — provided air cover for what was called "Operation Halyard," which took several months.

Mr. Rogowski, who died at age 57, served in the OSS from 1942 to 1945 and was awarded a Bronze Star. His letters home were censored, so it is difficult to know where he served. But his relatives believe he helped build roads in China that served as an entry point for American and Chinese forces to fight the Japanese.

Mr. Rogowski was stabbed by a Japanese soldier in a foxhole and later contracted malaria, from which he suffered for years.

"The OSS conducted acts of great bravery and accomplished feats of which many would have deemed impossible during the war,” said U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R., Bowling Green).


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Gold Medal Ceremony: Congress to Honor Office of Strategic Services [on March 21, 2018] / [Among them: Halyard Mission Heroes] / "Speaker Ryan Press Office" March 1, 2018

OSS 1st Lieutenant George Musulin behind enemy lines in
German-occupied Serbia, as a Chetnik, during his first mission in
November 1943. His second mission was Operation Halyard.
and others. Not a single American was lost during the course of the entire operation and there are thousands of descendants now among us as a result of the cooperation between the O.S.S. and General Draza Mihailovich, a Serbian patriot, who despite being abandoned by the Allies in favor of the Yugoslav Communists, remained loyal to the Allies to the end and did the right thing.

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan

WASHINGTON—On Wednesday, March 21, leaders of the U.S. House and Senate will present a Congressional Gold Medal in honor of the members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) for their historic contributions during World War II.

The OSS, America’s first strategic intelligence system implemented during World War II, is widely considered the foundation of modern day intelligence operations. Founded by General William J. Donovan, a medal of honor recipient, the OSS “organized, trained, supplied, and fought” in the war throughout Europe and Asia and played a decisive role in America’s victory over axis forces. In addition to the civilian population, each military branch contributed personnel to OSS, whose missions resulted in some of the bravest acts of the war and forever changed the course of history. 

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)will take part in the bipartisan, bicameral ceremony.

The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian honor the United States can bestow. In accordance with Public Law 114–269, a single gold medal has been struck to collectively honor the members of the OSS.

The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, March 21 at 3:00 p.m. ET in Emancipation Hall and will be live-streamed on For more on the history of the Congressional Gold Medal, watch this behind-the-scenes video. For press guidance, media should contact their respective congressional media gallery.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


[Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-Toledo)] to Speak at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring the OSS [on March 21, 2018] ! / "Press Release" Washington, D.C. March 12, 2018
Press Release
Washington, March 12, 2018
Drew Griffin

Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green KY)

Latta, Kaptur to Speak at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring the OSS

Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-Toledo) will both participate in a ceremony honoring members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) with the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian distinction awarded in the United States. The ceremony, which was recently announced by Speaker Paul Ryan’s office, will be held at Emancipation Hall at the U.S. Capitol on March 21 at 3 p.m. A single gold medal has been struck to collectively honor the members of the OSS.

The OSS was created by General William J. Donovan in 1942 to better coordinate and oversee American intelligence options, and at its peak included about 13,000 members from every branch of the military, along with civilians. It served as a precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency and aided Allied forces by establishing intelligence networks, training resistance operations throughout Europe and Asia, and carrying out “mercy missions” at the end of WWII.

“The men and women of the OSS carried out missions behind enemy lines with exemplary bravery and skill,” said Congressman Latta. “The clandestine operations of the OSS played a significant role in an Allied victory during World War II, and their actions saved countless lives. It’s time to officially recognize these heroes with the highest civilian honor our country bestows — the Congressional Gold Medal.”

“It is my deep honor to pay tribute to the brave soldiers who served in the clandestine service in defense of liberty during World War II with the Congressional Gold Medal. In awarding this recognition to the members of the OSS, America honors those who bequeathed precious liberty to us all. We must carry that torch forward as it was carried at such a great price by our forebears,” said Congresswoman Kaptur. “The Office of Strategic Services was comprised of more than 13,000 noble Americans, who served our Nation during a time of great uncertainty and war. Our family’s beloved Uncle Tony, Anthony Rogowski, served in the OSS. To honor these individuals means a lot to us personally, as I am sure it does to the thousands of other families whose loved ones fought and served in the OSS. We salute you.”

Congressman Latta was the sponsor of the legislation to honor OSS veterans with a Congressional Gold Medal, which was signed into law in December, 2016. The sponsors of the bill in the Senate, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Mark Warner (D-VA) will also speak at the ceremony.

Congresswoman Kaptur was also a sponsor of the legislation and her Uncle Anthony (Tony) Rogowski, served as a member of the OSS. He was a corporal and his medals include Army Good Conduct, American Theater Medal, Pacific Theater Medal, and World War II Victory Medal. He is buried in a simple grave at Calvary Cemetery in Toledo, Ohio, with a gravestone marker provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

The ceremony can be live-streamed at:


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Monday, March 19, 2018

Пронађен документ америчке обавештајне службе о томе како је заробљен Дража / "Pogledi" March 15, 2018

“Нова 24 ТВ“ из Љубљане пронашла је и објавила цели извештај америчке обавештајне службе о заробљавању генерала Драже Михаиловића, 13. марта 1946. године на територији општине Рудо у Босни. Овај извештај је до сада био познат у изводима из америчке и швајцарске штампе из 1946. године, али никада до сада није објављен у целости.

Према овом извору, генерал Михаиловић је био тешко болестан од пегавог тифуса. Лекари при Врховној команду покушавали су да пронађу лекове. Један од њих је заробљен и после свирепог мучења признао је где се налази Михаиловићев штаб. После тога, ово место почели су да надлећу авиони са савезничким ознакама и да избацују лекове и опрему. Официри из штаба су, после неколико дана, то јест 13. марта 1946, означили место за слетање два авиона. Из њих су изашли официри са савезничким ознакама, са којима су се четници споразумевали на енглеском и француском језику. Договорили су се да се тешко оболели Михаиловић пребаци у Италију, ради лечења. Са њим су одвежени и његови пратиоци. Међутим, чим су авиони одлетели, комунистичка авијација је бомбардовала ово место, а ускоро је уследио и копнени напад.

Извештај је послао мајор Милош Марковић, командант Пожешког корпуса, али из документа први пут сазнајемо да он није био на лицу места, већ да је податке добио од капетана Вука Калаитовића.

Овај документ, цитиран према америчкој и швајцарској штами, као и други извори који га потврђују, објављен је у књизи “Прави и лажни Калабић, са налазом судског вештака“.

Међутим, званична историографија у Србији ни данас не уважава ни један од ових извора, већ тврди да је генерала Михаиловића издао потпуковник Никола Калабић, што је верзија комунистичке тајне полиције из 1962. године.

Комплетна верзија, са новим сведоцима и теренским снимцима из општине Рудо, биће објављена у документарном филму “Генерал Дража Михаиловић“, у продукцији “Погледа“. Завршетак филма је у плану за месец мај.

Чланак на сајту словеначке телевизије можете видети овде.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Thursday, March 15, 2018

MOVIE NIGHT! "Kingdom of Yugoslavia in WW2" Documentary / St. Simeon Mirotocivi Serbian Orthodox Church - Calgary, Alberta Canada / Friday March 16, 2018

"Documentary series:
The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in WW2
Description of the events based on the latest historical discoveries.
Forty interlocutors, interviewed in Serbia, Slovenia, Italy, Canada, USA and the UK. Plenty of documentary war footage, the majority of which shown for the first time. Filmed in event locations visible on actual war photographs."


St. Simeon Mirotocivi Serbian Orthodox Church - Calgary
16025 243 Ave E, De Winton, AB, Calgary, Alberta
Canada T0L 0X0
Friday March 16, 2018
7:30-9:30 p.m. UTC-06
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

"13. марта 1946. године ухапшен је Драгољуб Дража Михајловић. Херој без признања. Светац без ореола."

"13. марта 1946. године ухапшен је Драгољуб Дража Михајловић. Херој без признања. Светац без ореола.

"Генерал Михаиловић је био учесник Првог и Другог балканског рата, Првог светског рата, преживео је албанску голготу прешавши Албанију пешке са српском војском. Био је вођа првог антифашистичког покрета у поробњеној Европи током Другог светског рата. На крају је ухапшен од комунистичких бандита, осуђен на смрт у монтираном процесу, погубљен а да му се гроб не зна ни дан данас.

"Ко може да верује да је човек који је целог свог живота крварио за отаџбину радио ма шта противу ње, верује супротно сваком смислу и разуму.

"О њему ће се тек говорити и сазнати. Истина је једна, исплива кад тад."

Невена Татић-Карајовић
14. Mapt 2018.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


Thursday, March 08, 2018

Arthur "Jibby" Jibilian of the Halyard Mission finally goes to Congress! Congressional Gold Medal to be awarded to the O.S.S. on March 21, 2018! / Help fund the family to make the historic trip to Washington, D.C.!

Halyard Mission O.S.S. Radioman - Arthur "Jibby" Jibilian

March 7, 2018

"We have just received word tonight that on March 21, 2018,  ART "JIBBY" JIBILIAN, and the other members of the OSS who participated in  the rescue of over 513 downed airmen behind enemy lines in Yugoslavia in WW II, will be FINALLY recognized by Congress and receive the Congressional Gold Medal!  His widow, Jo Jibilian, and daughter, Debi, are planning on attending this momentous occasion in Washington D.C.  (If Jo's health permits.)  We will be invited by Congress, but Congressman Bob Latta, who has been a staunch supporter of Dad's nomination for the Congressional Medal of Honor (which has been stalled in Congress for years), informed Dad's beloved friend Brian McMahon just Wednesday, March 7, 2018, and I am sharing everything that I know with you so far tonight!  I promise to update you as things develop and we receive additional information!

"We understand that the Congressional Medal of Honor is probably never going to be awarded to Dad, but for the Congressional Gold Medal to be awarded to the OSS for what they did in WW II is well deserved!  We are so excited that this is happening and so grateful to Congressman Latta and Brian McMahon for their constant efforts to recognize "Jibby"  for his efforts.  

"Obviously, we do not have the funds to fly to Washington, D.C.; especially on such short notice.  I expect to change the initial goal up or down, depending upon how long we will need to be in D.C.   We will clearly need the funds by March 19th, so that tickets can be purchased and final plans made.  Of course, if Mom is unable to go, that will have an impact on the funds needed, and David (son) and Doug (grandson) have not yet been able to determine if they will be able to get away.  (Doug doesn't even know yet as of this writing, since he is at work!)

"There is so much I don't know right now; but I know that Jibby was respected and loved by so many people in this area, I feel confident that those same individuals will support us in this endeavor!  Again, as more details become available, I will update you on them as soon as I can!

"If you haven't read THE FORGOTTEN 500 by Greg Freeman lately, you might want to consider it.  There is also word that a movie is in the works, but we can't think of anyone in Hollywood that is short enough with a big enough nose to play Jibby!  As the radio man, he was a valued "character" (in more ways than one I suspect) of the three man team!  The FORGOTTEN 500 has romance, gun battles, air raids, hiding from the Germans, culminated in a daring daylight rescue by American planes some 20 miles from a German outpost, with the daring Red Tails providing distractions and cover to ensure the safety and success of the rescue.  NOT ONE PLANE WAS LOST AND NOT ONE AIRMAN WAS INJURED DURING THIS DARING RESCUE!  This is the largest, single rescue of individuals from behind enemy lines  in ANY war at ANY time!

"Yes, it's true, I'm a devoted fan of the OSS and the guys who rescued those 513 men!  One of Dad's proudest moments was the day a young man walked up to him and shook his hand, saying; "Thank you.   Without you, I wouldn't be here.  You rescued my grandfather".   Dad told that story often, and teared up every time he repeated it.  He spent the last year of his life trying to spread the word of the HUGE debt of gratitude that the USA owes to Yugoslavia.  If not for General Mahailovich and the people of Yugoslavia, those 513 airmen  would have been turned over to the Nazis or perished in the rough terrain of Yugoslavia!  The people of Yugoslavia rescued these men, housed them, took care of their wounds when necessary, fed them, often going hungry themselves, and most importantly, hid them from the Germans!  Entire villages were burned to the ground after refusing to turn over the Americans whose parachutes the Nazis had seen come down from the sky, but the Yugoslav people protected them, some at the cost of their own lives!

"General Mahailovich is finally being given the honor in his own country that he so richly deserves, but the US has yet to acknowledge our debt to Yugoslavia.  And I will continue to remind everyone I can each and every opportunity I can.  It's the least I can do for Jibby!

"This is what it will mean to us to go to Washington D.C. to participate in this ceremony!"

Debi Jibilian
March 7, 2018
"Go Fund Me"



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
