The plaque next to it reflects the same inscription in the Serbian language.
Photo courtesy of OSS Halyard Mission radioman Arthur "Jibby" Jibilian
in Pranjani, Serbia August 15, 2009 Photo courtesy of Lt. Col. John Cappello
Ohio National Guard troops that are in Serbia doing work on schools in South Serbia. They are working with Serb soldiers, some of which are also in the photo. The older folks are those who participated in assisting the American airmen in 1944. Pranjani, Serbia Aug. 15, 2009.
Photo courtesy of Lt. Col. John Cappello.
Laying of the Wreath at the Halyard Mission monument,
Pranjani, Serbia August 15, 2009
Photo courtesy of Lt. Col. John Cappello
Aleksandra's Note:
To fully appreciate the magnitude of Serbia officially marking the 65th anniversary of the great rescues of American and Allied airmen on her soil in 1944, from behind Nazi occupied enemy lines, one would have to be familiar with just how "hidden" and "ignored" the pivotal contributions of General Mihailovich, his Chetnik forces, and the Serbian people loyal to them during WWII have been all these years in his own beloved homeland.
Thanks to the many years of dedication and perseverance of a number of individuals, both young and old, in America, Serbia, and abroad, the magnificent Halyard Mission is increasingly seeing the light of day in the public historical record and in the national consciousness. The truth is coming out, and with it a true story that all Americans and Serbs can be very proud of.
The following is part of the media coverage that the 65th anniversary commemoration received in Serbia. The coverage in both the English and Serbian language are included.
"The times," as my friend Professor Peter Maher stated so eloquently, "are a changin'".
And for the better, indeed!
Hvala Bogu.
Aleksandra Rebic
From John Cappello
Lt Col, USAF
Air Attaché, DAO Belgrade
Lt Col, USAF
Air Attaché, DAO Belgrade
I would like to inform you of the memorial celebration that took place on Galovica Field, in Pranjani, Serbia on Saturday, August 15th, 2009.
To commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the beginning of the Halyard Mission, the US Embassy organized a wreath laying ceremony at the site of the first flights that rescued over 500 US airmen. With the assistance of the Serb Ministry of Defense and the Serb Ministry of Labor and Social Policy the event was a successful commemoration of the mission. It is important to note that this is the first time the Serb government has officially recognized and participated in such an event commemorating the partnership of US-Serb forces during this mission. It was a beautiful day in Pranjani, and there was a terrific turnout.
Here is an example of the press coverage of the event:
From "Radio, Television Serbia (RTS)":
65th Anniversary of the Evacuation of 500 American Airmen
The 65th anniversary of Operation Halyard was marked on Saturday in Pranjani, near Gornji Milanovac, during which the joint team of Yugoslav Royal Army and American service evacuated more than 500American airmen during World War II, Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) reported.
The representatives of the US Embassy in Belgrade, the Ohio National Guard, the Serbian Government and Army of Serbia laid the wreaths on a monument in Pranjani.
Charge d’Affaires Jennifer Brush led the delegation of the American Embassy in Belgrade, and USAF Attaché John Capello was also present.
Brush said that America could never forget what Serbian people did for her airmen.
Some 1.000 members of the U.S. Air Force were struck down in the summer of 1944 above occupied Yugoslavia, and a significant number ended up in Serbia.
During a series of day and night flights, the joint team of the Yugoslav Royal Army in the country led by General Draza Mihailovich, and the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS), evacuated more than 500 American airmen from the village of Pranjani.
The rescue mission involved the action of a low-number of Allied troops against German forces and this jeopardized the whole village protecting the American military staff.
'Operation Halyard' was marked as one of the most successful rescue missions from behind enemy lines in the history of warfare, RTS reported.
Godišnjica Operacije Haljard
U Pranjanima kod Gornjeg Milanovca obeležena 65. godišnjica Operacije Haljard, u okviru koje je zajednički tim Jugoslovenske kraljevske vojske i američke službe evakuisao više od 500 američkih vazduhoplovaca. Vence na spomen obeležje položili predstavnici američke ambasade u Beogradu, Nacionalne garde Ohaja, Vlade i Vojske Srbije, opštine Gornji Milanovac i drugih organizacija.
Ambasada SAD u Srbiji obeležila je u Pranjanima kod Gornjeg Milanovca 65. godišnjicu Operacije Haljard, u okviru koje je zajednički tim Jugoslovenske kraljevske vojske i američke službe evakuisao više od 500 američkih vazduhoplovaca.
Polaganje venaca i izjava Dženifer Braš
Vence na spomen obeležje kod bivšeg aerodroma, položili su predstavnici američke ambasade u Beogradu, Nacionalne garde Ohaja, Vlade i Vojske Srbije, opštine Gornji Milanovac i drugih organizacija.
Delegaciju američke ambasade u Beogradu predvodila je otpravnik poslova Dženifer Braš, a prisustvovao je i vazduhoplovni ataše potpukovnik Džon Kapelo.
Braš je poručila da Amerika nikada ne može da zaboravi to što je srpski narod učinio za njihove avijatičare.
"Ovo je važan zajednički događaj. Mi nikada ne možemo zaboraviti to što je srpski narod učinio za naše avijatičare u toku proteklog rata i zato smo obeležili ovo mesto i stalno ga posećujemo," izjavila je Braš.
Vence su položili i predstavnici Vlade Srbije, vazduhoplovstva i protiv-vazdušne odbrane, na čelu sa brigadnim generalom Brankom Živakom i lokalne samouprave.
U Muzeju rudničko-takovskog kraja otvorena je izložba fotografija i prikazan dokumentarni film o operaciji "Haljard", a predsetavnici Američke ambasade saopštili su novinarima na skupu da je na inicijativu vojnog atašea SAD u Beogradu i Evroatlanske inicijative iz Beograda, meštana Pranjana, američkih avijatičara veterana i srpske zajednice u SAD, osnovana Fondacija "Haljard".
Ta fondacija ima u planu snimanje dokumentarnog filma o spasilačkoj misiji, kao i gradnju centra za mlade u Pranjanima, nedaleko od aerodroma sa koga su spašeni pilota.
U leto 1944. godine oko 1.000 američkih pripadnika vazduhoplovnih snaga oboreno je iznad okupirane Jugoslavije, od kojih je značajan broj završio u Srbiji.
Tokom serije dnevnih i noćnih poletanja zajednički tim Jugoslovenske kraljevske vojske u otadžbini generala Draže Mihailovića i američke Službe za strateške poslove evakuisao je više od 500 američkih vazduhoplovaca iz sela Pranjani.
Spasilačka misija uključivala je dejstvo manjih trupa protiv nemačkih snaga, čime je u opasnosti bilo čitavo selo koje je štitilo američko vojno osoblje.
Pripadnici Vazduhoplovnih snaga SAD posvedočili su o požrtvovanosti lokalnih srpskih seljana koji su ih hranili i štitili, u nekim slučajevima i do šest meseci.
Operacija Haljard smatra se za jednu od najuspešnijih spasilačkih misija izvedenih iza neprijateljskih linija u istoriji ratovanja, navedeno je u saopštenju.
To get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
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