Looking Backward, Looking Forward: Remembering the Victims of
the Holocaust in Yugoslavia on the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of
Sunday, April 26th, 2015
5:00 to 10:00
New York's Hotel Pennsylvania
401 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
401 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Co-sponsored by the St. Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church under the
auspices of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
RSVP Joy Jangdhari, Executive Organizerwww.JoyEvents.nyc
Email: info@joyevents.nyc
Phone: (347) 475-0750
Email: info@joyevents.nyc
Phone: (347) 475-0750
Jasenovac Research Institute April 26, 2015. Benefit Dinner. Sponsorship Opportunities Proceeds will benefit JRI’s ongoing work of education, commemoration, publishing, research and dissemination of information on the history of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and the triple genocide against Serbs, Jews, and Romas. Please select your option below.
$60.00 ........per dinner ticket
$460.00 .....Gold Page program ad+ 2 tickets
$360.00 .....Silver Page program ad + 2 tickets
$250.00 .....White Page program ad
$150.00 ...... 1/2 Page program ad
$100.00 ...... 1/4 Page program ad
I will gladly attend this year's Benefit Dinner & Conference
My total contribution including seats & program journal is___
Unfortunately I cannot attend: but I would like to support the work of JRI this year and in the future with a tax deductable donation of $_____________Accept my pledge of $_______
Responses appreciated by April 1, 2015 RSVP and return this form with your check: Name __________________ Address ________________ City_____________ State___ Zip__________ Phone__________________E-Mail ___________________________
For questions: Contact Barry Lituchy or Joy Jangdhari Phone: 917-254-5164 Phone: 347-457-0750
You can also register at
Email: info@joyevents.nyc
Please make your checks payable to JRI by April 1, 2015
Mail them to: JRI, PO BOX 10-0674, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Biography of Speakers
Raphael Israeli
Born in Fez, Morocco , Professor Israeli currently teaches Islamic, Chinese and Middle Eastern History at Hebrew University. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic Literature, he holds a PhD in Chinese and Islamic History from the University of California, Berkeley. Since 1974 he has been a Lecturer, and then Professor, of Islamic and Chinese History at Hebrew University, with sabbatical periods spent at York University (Toronto), the University of Pittsburg’s Semester at Sea program, Harvard University, Boston University, Australian National University in Canberra, Melbourne University and Naruto University in Japan.
Dr. Israeli is the author of 32 books and some 100 scholarly articles in the fields of Islamic radicalism, Islamic terrorism, the Modern Middle East, Islam in China and Asia, and the opening of China by the French.
Jovan Mirković
Jovan Mirković, one of the world’s leading historians of Jasenovac and the Holocaust in Yugoslavia, was born in Subocki Grad, near Novska in Slavonia. He received his degree in History from the University of Sarajevo where he also did post-graduate studies. He was Director of the Jasenovac Memorial Site from 1978 to 1980 and again 1990 to 1991. He was an Advisor to the Museum of Victims of Genocide in Belgrade from 1999 to 2013. He is the author of Objavljeni izvori i literatura o jasenovačkim logorima (A Bibliography of Sources on the Jasenovac Camps), 2000, and has published more than 50 articles focusing on the genocide against Serbs in World War II. He has also edited some 30 collections of essays and catalogues dealing with the Holocaust.
Aneta Lalić
Aneta Lalic is the Director of Cultural Affairs for the Serbian National Council of Croatia in Zagreb. She is an expert on the human rights situation in Croatia. Ms. Lalic's duties for the Serbian National Council also involve publishing, heritage preservation, coordination of the Serbian national minority councils and advocacy at various levels of the Croatian government.
Rene David Alkalay
Dr David Alkalay is a survivor of the Holocaust and a descendant of one of the most famous Jewish families of the Balkans. His family played important roles in 19th century Serbian history, as well as in the founding of the Zionist movement. His father Joseph and many members of his extended family were murdered at Jasenovac. Dr. Alkalay and his mother Anna survived a concentration camp where he was among the youngest to have survived, having been only one year old when he was arrested by the Ustashe. Today Dr. Alkalay is an interfaith Rabbi and a leading proponent of interfaith dialogue. He holds a PhD in Divinity from the Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. He is the founder and Director of the Genesis Society and Genesis Health Center in Queens, NY, an author of several books and numerous articles on wellness, and a national spokesperson for several organizations.
Darko Trifunović
Dr. Trifunovic, one of the leading experts in Counter-Terrorism and Security issues in the Balkans, is a Research Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Belgrade. He is also a Visiting Professor at Fudan University in China. Previously, he served as First Secretary of the Foreign Service for Bosnia Herzegovina at the UN and as an Advisor to the Repubic Srpska on terrorism. He is the Representative for Serbia and Montenegro in the International Strategic Studies Association and participates on many other international bodies, including in Israel where he is a frequent lecturer. He is also a founding and current Director of the Jasenovac Research Institute.
Nenad Fogel
Born in Novi Sad, Nenad Fogel received his degree in forestry engineering. In 1999 he became the President of the Jewish Community in Zemun. Since that time Mr. Fogel has produced or overseen the production of a steady stream of works on Jewish topics and history. Under his leadership, the Zemun Jewish Community has published some 30 separate works. A number of them were either authored or co-authored by Mr. Fogel. Most recently these included the books "Holocaust in Yugoslavia" and "A Traveling Exhibition on the Righteous among the Nations in Yugoslavia."
Mr. Fogel has also has authored two scripts for documentaries: "The Zemun Jewish Cemetery" and the "Righteous among the Nations – Serbia." In 2005 Mr. Fogel created the Jewish Community of Zemun's website, http://joz.rs, and is to this day its chief editor. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia.
I ove godine u Njujorku se odrzava
Jasenovac Research Institute April 26, 2015. Benefit Dinner. Sponsorship Opportunities Proceeds will benefit JRI’s ongoing work of education, commemoration, publishing, research and dissemination of information on the history of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and the triple genocide against Serbs, Jews, and Romas. Please select your option below.
$60.00 ........per dinner ticket
$460.00 .....Gold Page program ad+ 2 tickets
$360.00 .....Silver Page program ad + 2 tickets
$250.00 .....White Page program ad
$150.00 ...... 1/2 Page program ad
$100.00 ...... 1/4 Page program ad
I will gladly attend this year's Benefit Dinner & Conference
My total contribution including seats & program journal is___
Unfortunately I cannot attend: but I would like to support the work of JRI this year and in the future with a tax deductable donation of $_____________Accept my pledge of $_______
Responses appreciated by April 1, 2015 RSVP and return this form with your check: Name __________________ Address ________________ City_____________ State___ Zip__________ Phone__________________E-Mail ___________________________
For questions: Contact Barry Lituchy or Joy Jangdhari Phone: 917-254-5164 Phone: 347-457-0750
You can also register at
Email: info@joyevents.nyc
Please make your checks payable to JRI by April 1, 2015
Mail them to: JRI, PO BOX 10-0674, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Biography of Speakers
Raphael Israeli
Born in Fez, Morocco , Professor Israeli currently teaches Islamic, Chinese and Middle Eastern History at Hebrew University. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic Literature, he holds a PhD in Chinese and Islamic History from the University of California, Berkeley. Since 1974 he has been a Lecturer, and then Professor, of Islamic and Chinese History at Hebrew University, with sabbatical periods spent at York University (Toronto), the University of Pittsburg’s Semester at Sea program, Harvard University, Boston University, Australian National University in Canberra, Melbourne University and Naruto University in Japan.
Dr. Israeli is the author of 32 books and some 100 scholarly articles in the fields of Islamic radicalism, Islamic terrorism, the Modern Middle East, Islam in China and Asia, and the opening of China by the French.
Jovan Mirković
Jovan Mirković, one of the world’s leading historians of Jasenovac and the Holocaust in Yugoslavia, was born in Subocki Grad, near Novska in Slavonia. He received his degree in History from the University of Sarajevo where he also did post-graduate studies. He was Director of the Jasenovac Memorial Site from 1978 to 1980 and again 1990 to 1991. He was an Advisor to the Museum of Victims of Genocide in Belgrade from 1999 to 2013. He is the author of Objavljeni izvori i literatura o jasenovačkim logorima (A Bibliography of Sources on the Jasenovac Camps), 2000, and has published more than 50 articles focusing on the genocide against Serbs in World War II. He has also edited some 30 collections of essays and catalogues dealing with the Holocaust.
Aneta Lalić
Aneta Lalic is the Director of Cultural Affairs for the Serbian National Council of Croatia in Zagreb. She is an expert on the human rights situation in Croatia. Ms. Lalic's duties for the Serbian National Council also involve publishing, heritage preservation, coordination of the Serbian national minority councils and advocacy at various levels of the Croatian government.
Rene David Alkalay
Dr David Alkalay is a survivor of the Holocaust and a descendant of one of the most famous Jewish families of the Balkans. His family played important roles in 19th century Serbian history, as well as in the founding of the Zionist movement. His father Joseph and many members of his extended family were murdered at Jasenovac. Dr. Alkalay and his mother Anna survived a concentration camp where he was among the youngest to have survived, having been only one year old when he was arrested by the Ustashe. Today Dr. Alkalay is an interfaith Rabbi and a leading proponent of interfaith dialogue. He holds a PhD in Divinity from the Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. He is the founder and Director of the Genesis Society and Genesis Health Center in Queens, NY, an author of several books and numerous articles on wellness, and a national spokesperson for several organizations.
Darko Trifunović
Dr. Trifunovic, one of the leading experts in Counter-Terrorism and Security issues in the Balkans, is a Research Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Belgrade. He is also a Visiting Professor at Fudan University in China. Previously, he served as First Secretary of the Foreign Service for Bosnia Herzegovina at the UN and as an Advisor to the Repubic Srpska on terrorism. He is the Representative for Serbia and Montenegro in the International Strategic Studies Association and participates on many other international bodies, including in Israel where he is a frequent lecturer. He is also a founding and current Director of the Jasenovac Research Institute.
Nenad Fogel
Born in Novi Sad, Nenad Fogel received his degree in forestry engineering. In 1999 he became the President of the Jewish Community in Zemun. Since that time Mr. Fogel has produced or overseen the production of a steady stream of works on Jewish topics and history. Under his leadership, the Zemun Jewish Community has published some 30 separate works. A number of them were either authored or co-authored by Mr. Fogel. Most recently these included the books "Holocaust in Yugoslavia" and "A Traveling Exhibition on the Righteous among the Nations in Yugoslavia."
Mr. Fogel has also has authored two scripts for documentaries: "The Zemun Jewish Cemetery" and the "Righteous among the Nations – Serbia." In 2005 Mr. Fogel created the Jewish Community of Zemun's website, http://joz.rs, and is to this day its chief editor. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia.
I ove godine u Njujorku se odrzava
Komemoracija zrtvama - Srbima, Jevrejima,
i Romima - mucki ubijenim u zloglasnom
fasistickom logoru u Jasenovcu za vreme NDH.
Proslo je vec 70 godina od kada su se logorasi,
njih nesto vise od hiljadu, probili kroz
obezbedjenje logora i sami se oslobodili.
Ove godine obelezavajuci taj dan zelimo da
ponovimo poruku da se takvi i slicni
dogadjaji nesmeju ponoviti.
Dan oslobadjanja logorasa iz Jasenovca
proglasen je u Njujorku Danom secanja na
700 hiljada zrtva ove fabrike smrti.
Na ovogodisnjoj Komemoraciji i na
14 Godisnjoj konferenciji Jasenovac Research
Institute bice prisutnno nekoliko prezivelih
logorasa, Istoricari koji se bave ovim pitanjima
u Izraelu, Srbiji i u drugim zemljama kao i
znacajni geopoliticki i bezbednosni strucnjaci
koji ce govoriti o zlocinima ali i o ponovnom
pojavljivanju nacizma i opasnostima koje to
Bilo bi lepo da se i Vi pridruzite
Komemorativnim svecanostima i Godisnjoj
konferenciji JRI.
Prilozen je poziv i program Godisnje
Konferencije koju su, ove godine pomogli
i nasi ljudi, vlasnici kompanija u Njujorku.
Vas doprinos bice Vase prisustvo i donacija
koja zajedno sa vecerom iznosi samo $60.
Njujork je jedini mesto izvan bivse Jugoslavije,
gde se daje pomen zrtvama i pale svece u pomen
stradalih Srba, Javreja i Roma...
Dodjite da odamo pocast ubijenima i kazemo
da se zlocini nesmu ponoviti...
S postovanjem.
Milan Lucic
Clan Borda JRI
i Romima - mucki ubijenim u zloglasnom
fasistickom logoru u Jasenovcu za vreme NDH.
Proslo je vec 70 godina od kada su se logorasi,
njih nesto vise od hiljadu, probili kroz
obezbedjenje logora i sami se oslobodili.
Ove godine obelezavajuci taj dan zelimo da
ponovimo poruku da se takvi i slicni
dogadjaji nesmeju ponoviti.
Dan oslobadjanja logorasa iz Jasenovca
proglasen je u Njujorku Danom secanja na
700 hiljada zrtva ove fabrike smrti.
Na ovogodisnjoj Komemoraciji i na
14 Godisnjoj konferenciji Jasenovac Research
Institute bice prisutnno nekoliko prezivelih
logorasa, Istoricari koji se bave ovim pitanjima
u Izraelu, Srbiji i u drugim zemljama kao i
znacajni geopoliticki i bezbednosni strucnjaci
koji ce govoriti o zlocinima ali i o ponovnom
pojavljivanju nacizma i opasnostima koje to
Bilo bi lepo da se i Vi pridruzite
Komemorativnim svecanostima i Godisnjoj
konferenciji JRI.
Prilozen je poziv i program Godisnje
Konferencije koju su, ove godine pomogli
i nasi ljudi, vlasnici kompanija u Njujorku.
Vas doprinos bice Vase prisustvo i donacija
koja zajedno sa vecerom iznosi samo $60.
Njujork je jedini mesto izvan bivse Jugoslavije,
gde se daje pomen zrtvama i pale svece u pomen
stradalih Srba, Javreja i Roma...
Dodjite da odamo pocast ubijenima i kazemo
da se zlocini nesmu ponoviti...
S postovanjem.
Milan Lucic
Clan Borda JRI
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com
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