Posted on You Tube by "MCFilmConsultants"
Published on Apr 27, 2013
"A 4-part documentary details true story of the Cetnik movement headed by General Draza Mihailovic and his forces loyal to King Petar II.
"Using eye-witness accounts from the rescued American pilots, British historians, and the soldiers on the ground, this is the conclusive story of the war in the Balkans.
"With un-paralleled access to War archives in Belgrade, Washington and Frieburg (Germany) we are able to create a definitive documentary of the war in the Balkans which has never been told before.
"In Post-production, availability November 2013."
"Using eye-witness accounts from the rescued American pilots, British historians, and the soldiers on the ground, this is the conclusive story of the war in the Balkans.
"With un-paralleled access to War archives in Belgrade, Washington and Frieburg (Germany) we are able to create a definitive documentary of the war in the Balkans which has never been told before.
"In Post-production, availability November 2013."
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
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