Saturday, April 03, 2010

Serbian School in Zrenjanin, "Dositej Obradovic", to celebrate rescues of American Airmen in "Operation Air Bridge" (Halyard Mission - Misija Haljard) !


A young man named Simo Corovic, is announcing that on April 9, 2010, at his school, "Dositej Obradovic" in Zrenjanin, Serbia, the school will be celebrating its 50th anniversary with a very special program, "Operation Air Bridge" dedicated to the rescue of American airmen in WWII Serbia. The special guest speaker will be the USAF Attache in Belgrade, Lt. Col. John Cappello. The program will begin with a moment of silence dedicated to Halyard Mission radioman Arthur Jibilian who recently passed away, and who is being mourned in Serbia as well as here in the United States.

This is indeed an important event, for it is the first time the students will be hearing of this historic episode in Serbian and American history.

Thank you very much to Simo Corovic, Sekretar of the school, for sharing this information. I wish you complete success and many more such celebrations in Serbia as the future brings to light what the past has hidden for too long.




IN SERBIAN, FROM SIMO COROVIC, who, in his announcement, also sends his condolences to the family of Arthur Jibilian:

"Primite saucesce povodom smrti Artura Jibilijana.

Zelim da Vas obavestim da ce 9.aprila 2010. u Osnovnoj skoli "Dositej Obradovic" u gradu Zrenjanin, u Srbiji, biti odrzano predavanje u znak secanja na operaciju spasavanja americkih pilota. Gost nase skole ce biti vojni atase ambasade USA u Beogradu [Lt. Col. John Cappello].

Nasi ucenici ce prvi put moci da cuju istinu o ovoj istorijskoj operaciji.

Ucenici ce i pogledati film o tome.

Predavanje cemo poceti minutom cutanja u znak secanja na Artura Jibiliana."

Sekretar skole,
Simo Corovic

Osnovna skola
"Dositej Obradovic"
Zrenjanin, 23000
ul. Ive Vojinovica 27/B

"Nasa skola slavi Dan skole 9.aprila 2010.godine, a ove godine slavimo jubilej 50 godina od osnivanja skole. Glavni dogadjaj ce biti predavanje "Operacija Vazdusni most, spasavanje americkih pilota u 2. svetskom ratu", a gost ce nam biti Lt. Col. John Capello, iz Ambasade USA u Beogradu. Nasi ucenici ce pogledati film o spasavanju pilota i slusati predavanje, a posle ce biti koktel. To je prvi put da ce ucenici cuti istinu o ovoj operaciji."



Simo Corovic


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


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