Monday, December 23, 2013

BELGRADE, GIVE GENERAL MIHAILOVICH HIS DUE AND CLEAR HIS NAME! / Another installment of the "Mihailovich Rehabilitation hearings" scheduled for December 24, 2013

General Draza Mihailovich

Aleksandra's Note:
Tomorrow by U.S. time and already there on Serbian time, December 24, 2013, another installment of the "Mihailovich Rehabilitation hearings" continues in Belgrade, Serbia. It's been many months since the last one. For many of us, General Mihailovich needs no "rehabilitation" because he was not guilty of the crimes he was charged with and executed for. For the "official record", it would be nice if the high court in Belgrade finally, after all these years of the process dragging on and on and on, gave Mihailovich his due and cleared his name.
Aleksandra Rebic
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Хвала Вам што не заборављате корене у овако тешким временима за Србе и Србију.Многи су их ради боље прође у свету одбацили као дроњаву одећу.Свако добро и срећни вам божићни и новогодишњи празници
