Seventy years ago on October 16, 1941 in the village of Crni Potoci, the local leaders of the people’s uprising against the genocidal Ustashe gathered to formalize the Dinara Cetnik Division and to elect a leader - Vojvoda Momcilo R. Djujic. Crni Potoci is a village located right on the Tromedja – the tri-border where Bosnia, Lika and Dalmatia meet. It was also the village where in 1876, King Peter I, then known as Petar Mrkonjic, led the uprising against the Ottoman Empire.
Pre sedamdeset godina, 16. oktobra 1941 u selu Crni Potoci, lokalne vođe ustanka naroda protiv genocidne ustaše sastalisu se da formalizuju Dinarsku četničku diviziju i da izaberu vođu - Vojvodu Momčila R. Đujića. Selo Crni Potoci nalazi se na samoj Tromedji Bosne, Like i Dalmacije. To je takođe bilo selo gde 1876 kralj Petar I, tada poznat kao Petar Mrkonjić, je podigao ustanka protiv Turaka.
Vera Dragisich
Secretary of The Movement of Serbian Chetniks Ravne Gore
whose father Djuro Dragisich was 21 years old and present at this momentous historical event...
"Ja Sam Iz Cetnicke Familije / I'm from a Chetnik family"
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
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