Friday, May 18, 2012

Searching for information on 17 American Airmen (Air Force) rescued by the Mihailovich Serbs in southern Serbia during WWII

Aleksandra's Note: A historian friend in Serbia is searching for information on the following American military personnel (Army/Air Force) who were saved by the Serbs in the area of southern Serbia in the former Yugoslavia during the course of WWII. They are hoping to find testimonies relating to the Americans' WWII experience in Serbia with the Mihailovich Serbs who saved their lives and enabled them to return home safe and sound. If you have any information regarding the specific individuals listed here, please contact me at Your help will be much appreciated!


Aleksandra Rebic


Капетан Јозеф Скурзи (Captain Joseph Skurzi)
Пилот Вилијам Килпатрик (Airman/Pilot William Kilpatrick
Поручник-пилот Лесли (Lieutenant  Leslie)
Копилот Валтер (Co-Pilot Walter)

1. J.H. Mitrani, Capt, MC Berwick, Penn
2. James C. Reaves, S/sgt, Hillsboro, Tenn.
3. Stephen F. Davenport, 2nd. LT, Elizabeth, N.J
4. Alford D. Hanwell, S/Sgt., Bradley Beach, N.J
5. Frank Czeck, Sgt, South Bend, Indiana
6. Melvin E. Thomas, S/Sgt, Chicago, IL
7. Lowel R. Miles, Sgt, Girard, Ohio
8. Harold C. Mortenson, 2nd. Lt, Flint, Michigan
9. George E. White, Sgt., Boston, Mass.
10. Louis J. Finger, 2nd. Lt, Wilmington, Delaware
11. Frank W. DeHuff, Sgt, York, Penn.
12. W.M. Newton, 2nd Lt, AC, Cincinnati, Ohio
13. Henry M. Piecuch, Sgt, Lawrence, Mass.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at


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