New York City Council
November 17, 2010
WHEREAS: In 1944, Captain Vujnovich served with the United States Office of Strategic Services, a predecessor of the CIA. While attempting to destroy Nazi Germany’s most important oil pipeline in occupied Eastern Europe, 512 airmen were downed, trapped, and in dire straits. As a result, Captain Vujnovich was called upon to plan and execute the largest air rescue in history for American soldiers behind enemy lines. Under his leadership, a secret airstrip was created inside a corn field to allow cargo planes to land and rescue Americans. The entire rescue operation—known as Operation Halyard—took place without a single casualty; and
WHEREAS: After World War II, Captain Vujnovich became a salesman in Queens while his courageous mission was kept hidden and out of our history books due to geopolitical reasons, Operation Halyard remained secret until the records were declassified in 1997; and
WHEREAS: On October 17, 2010—sixty-six years after his triumphant rescue operation—Captain Vujnovich was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the prestigious military honor of decoration awarded for bravery, acts of merit, or meritorious service; and
WHEREAS: Captain Vujnovich’s recognition as a true American hero is long overdue. The Bronze Star Medal bestowed upon him reflects not only the credit he is due, but what he and all of our veterans have been promised and have earned: our deepest respect and our eternal gratitude; now, therefore
BE IT KNOWN: That the Council of the City of New York gratefully honors
George Vujnovich (center) honored by NYC council
November 17, 2010
Photo by William Alatriste
NYC Council Member Daniel Dromm Honors WWII Hero
George Vujnovich November 17, 2010
Photo by William Alatriste of the NYC Council
Council Member Daniel Dromm Honors WWII Hero
George Vujnovich
During Ceremony November 17, 2010
Photo by William Alatriste of the New York City Council
Speaker Quinn Congratulates WWII Hero George Vujnovich
for his service to our country.
Photo by William Alatriste of the New York City Council
November 17, 2010
Left to right: Nenad Milinkovic,
NYC Council Member Daniel Dromm,
and George Vujnovich
November 17, 2010
Photo courtesy of Nenad Milinkovic
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at
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