Thursday, January 17, 2013

The remains of King Peter II exhumed and on their way to Serbia January 17, 2013 / Земаљски остаци Краља Петра Другог су синоћ ексзумирани из његовог гроба у манастирској цркви Светога Саве у Либертивилу, и путују за Опленац.

The longtime gravesite of Serbia's King Peter II Karageorgevich
in St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Libertyville, IL U.S.A.
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic May 19, 2012.
Новости: земаљски остаци Краља Петра Другог су синоћ ексзумирани из његовог гроба у манастирској цркви Светога Саве у Либертивилу, и путују за Опленац. Из ненада смо тако данас чули преко Српског радија "Чикаго". Нека му лака отаџбинска црна земља. Слава му!

Душaн Иванчевић
January 17, 2013

Breaking News: The earthly remains of King Peter II were exhumed last night from his grave in the monastery church of St. Sava in Libertyville, and are being transfered to Oplenac. We unexpectedly heard about this today as reported by Serbian Radio Chicago. May he rest in peace in the Homeland. Glory to Him!

Dusan Ivancevich
January 17, 2013


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at



  1. Kralju Pero, dobrodosao u Otadzbinu!!! Najzad te docekasmo,u ime svih koji su pali ZA KRST CASNI I SLOBODU ZLATNU, S VEROM U BOGA, ZA KRALJA I OTADZBINU i svih zivih koji se za to isto bore!!!
    Vladimir Petrovic
    Union of the royalist of Serbia

    1. Богу хвала, да наш мучени Краљ Петар, нађе смирај души у топлој, родној груди, Отаџбине, вољене Србије !!!

  2. To my brothers in Christ in Serbia. we have shown our King the Respect that he deserved and asked for to be buried in Liberty among his people, when no would do so in YUGOSLAVIA, and only one of his brothers had to courage to step forward Prince Andrijia wept and mourned his brothers passing. Now you took our King away from our NOVI OPLENAC, Our Serbian Orthodox Monastery know to many Serbians in America as Libertyville. What is next, are going to take his Brother Prince Andrija who is buried at our Gracanica 10 miles Northwest of St. Sava's? Why not? Politics has divided us in the past. Maybe that is what you want. Da nismo slojni!
